Tonight we were able to video ourselves swimming. Kulani brought his underwater camera and Dave filmed each of us from a couple angles. We should be able to watch the video and get critiqued next week.
At the end of the night we played a new game called Pirates Attack. Each person has a noodle that they need to get to the other side of the pool. The problem is that there is another team coming from the other side headed toward your side… and each team needs to steal noodles and/or people and bring them to the wall. I didn’t do very well. I was ganged up on and captured every round. But it was still a lot of fun (and my arms are sore).
Warm-Up (1800):
1 x 500 Free
1 x 400 Kick
1 x 300 Pull
1 x 200 Free/Back
1 x 100 Back
1 x 300 Free easy
Waiting Set (600):
6 x 100 Free on 2:00 (25 Free, 50 Drill, 25 Free)
Video Time (50):
2 x 25 Free Sprint
Pirates Attack!
But you’re not a pirate!!! You’re a NINJA!!!