
I must run differently in the new shoes. My stride seems to be shorter and my cadence faster for the same speed in my old shoes. I think that’s mostly due to the extra bounce in my step. I’m also noticing that I must be running differently than I used to. It hurts to run very far at a time. My legs feel like they’re all twisted. The outside edge of the bones in my legs are really tender. I don’t know if it’s the bone itself (doubtful) or something that connects to the bone along that edge, but it’s not cool. Hopefully I just need some more time to break myself into the new shoes and pattern of running.

I walked on the treadmill for a mile before going out on the street today. I wanted to make sure the new shoes were fitting correctly. I’m pretty sure they are. I don’t slide around inside the shoes, and they don’t feel tight. But I had a really hard time running today. I was in pain, and also fairly tired. I seem to be going in the wrong direction. Hopefully I can turn it around soon.

Jumping jacks: 50
Push-ups: 100

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