Swimmers in the Mist

It has been really foggy the last few mornings, including today. When it was lunch time and time to swim, I looked outside… still foggy. It was warm, but one of the things I enjoy the most about swimming outside is the sun. Of course, I walked down to the pool anyway. There were already a couple swimmers in the water and a foggy mist rising up out of the pool. I wished I had a camera or even my phone to snap a picture of it. It was really cool.

2 x 100 warm-up
10 x 100 free @ 1:25 on 1:45
100 easy
8 x 50 kicking on 10 seconds rest
300 pulling
2 x ( 50 fly drill, 50 dolphin kick ) with fins
100 free fast with fins
100 warm-down
2400 yards

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