Strong Start

I twisted me right knee during a lazy flip-turn while swimming on Friday, so I rested it all weekend. It wasn’t hurting much today, so I seized the opportunity to go for a run. I started off strong for the first 3 miles, but I started walking before I even hit the turn-around spot at 3.2 miles.

My first three miles:

And yet I didn’t hit the 5k mark until 30:13, which means that last 0.1 mile took more than a full minute. That’s some slow walking. I splashed some water in my face and over my head and started jogging again.

I jogged most the way home, but I took it easy on the big hill and walked up most of it. I started jogging again just before I hit the top and then jogged the rest of the way back, except for the red light to cross Carmel Country Road. I don’t think it’s possible to hit that light green.

My knee wasn’t feeling great by the time I made it back, so I may have to take it easy tomorrow.

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