The jumping jacks are still a great warm-up, but that first set of 40 push-ups continue to be really difficult. I wonder why they’re so much harder this week than they were last week. Hopefully if I soldier on they’ll ease up after a few weeks. The run started off great. I pushed through the first 2 miles, crossing mile 2 just under 20 minutes. I walked most of miles 3 and 4, but ran a little at the end to make sure I came in faster than 5.0 mph. I crossed the line at 46:02, which put me at a 5.2 mph average. I walked another mile to make it another 5 mile day.
Totals so far this week:
150 Jumping Jacks (50, 50, 50)
300 Push-ups (100, 100, 100)
14.0 miles (4.0, 5.0, 5.0)