Rough Start, Rougher Finish

It was another hot day out there today. It wasn’t as extreme as Wednesday, but it was still plenty warm. I ran out of water somewhere between mile 4 and mile 5, but didn’t notice until right when I needed it most… and then I walked the rest of the way home.

I had a bit of a rough start. I ran about half a mile, then walked about half a mile. Then I got into a decent rhythm and ran almost all the way to the end of mile 5, which was great. It wasn’t fast, but it felt pretty good. Then I realized I was completely out of water and I really needed some. I was even starting to see mirages of drinking fountains as I pushed through to the end of mile 5. It was heart breaking to find out I had nothing left.

I probably wouldn’t have been able to run up that hill at the end anyway, my pace had been falling apart through miles 4 and 5, but we’ll never know. I did try to jog a few times during that last mile, but it never stuck. I wasn’t too disappointed with the outcome, and I wasn’t feeling sore anymore. Maybe on Monday I’ll actually be able to run again?

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