Riding the West Wing

We haven’t ridden our trainers too much, but I’ve decided that I should be blogging about the times when we do, just so there’s a record of it… and why we weren’t swimming or running (yeah right) or doing something else.

Last night I spent some time messing around with the iPhone SDK while Charmaine was reading a book. After a while I heard a peculiar noise. It sounded a bit like the clothes dryer at first, but then I realized it was coming from the TV room. Charmaine had started to ride her bike while watching TV. I’ve found too many excuses to skip riding in the past, so I decided I would get on and ride. We ended up riding about 45 minutes… the entire length of a West Wing episode on Boxee.

I spent more than half the time in a higher gear than the last time we rode, so I was pretty happy about that. I really enjoy riding the bike. Now if I could just stop getting sore from all that time in the saddle!

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