Over doing it?

It has clearly been way too long since I’ve done any squats or lunges. I know this because I did some yesterday, and today I can barely stand up from a sitting position. I seem to be fine when I’m upright, but getting up or going down demonstrates just how sore I am. Of course, part of my soreness may be from what I did yesterday afternoon. I dug up a large maple tree that had died and replaced it with a new younger one. All that shoveling and pulling on the old tree probably contributed to my soreness.

I finally found a real website for finding the songs for running: jog.fm. So far it’s been great. I can find songs that have the same BPM to match my cadence while running. I can also search for songs I like to find out their BPM. I’m very impressed.

Today I set the treadmill to 6.5 mph and cranked through the first 2 miles, but then I hit some faster songs, had a hard time keeping my cadence, and broke down into a walk for a bit. I managed to finish all 3 miles under 30 minutes, but after that I could only walk the 4th mile. I still don’t like walking in my new shoes… I probably never will. So I only walked one mile and then called it good.

Jumping jacks: 50
Push-ups: 100
Time at mile 1: 9:17
Time at mile 2: 18:30
Time at mile 3: 29:34
Time at mile 4: 44:38

Now Charmaine wants to go ride bikes. I guess my pattern of over doing it will continue at least one more day.

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