Not strong

I am not a strong man. I used to think I was a strong man, but I am not nearly as strong as I was when I used to think that. You don’t realize how quickly your strength fades away when you stop working out. That all became crystal clear today. It was chest day.

I started off feeling really good, but after just a couple reps at 185 on the flat bench, I was done. After I finished making a fool of myself on the flat bench, we moved to bar dips. I was certain I wouldn’t be able to do any at all, since I had always had a hard time with dips, and my arms were clearly out of juice. To my surprise I was able to do a few without cheating, but soon I could barely extend my arms on their own power. It was pretty sad.

Flat Bench:
135 x 12
185 x 5
205 x 3
205 x 1

Bar Dips:
3, 3, 2

Pec Fly (machine):
80 x 12
80 x 10
80 x 8

Standing Tri Extension (machine):
160 x 12
150 x 10
150 x 8

French Curl (skull crushers):
65 x 6
65 x 5
55 x 6

Incline Dumbbell Fly:
30 x 12
30 x 10
30 x 8

We went to Carl’s Jr on our way back to work. The only way I could drink was to balance it on my leg and bend down to the cup. There was no way I could hold it up. It will be interesting to see what happens next week.

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