
The last few days have been crazy. We have been slowly moving out of our apartment and into our new house. As I’ve said before, this has made many convenient excuses. Today almost turned into another one, but I finally broke down and swam a little today.

Last night we slept at the new house for the first time. It was a rough night. The new house has all new sounds that I’m not used to yet. Plus I ate way too much for dinner, which made me feel too hot for most the night. This led to not getting up early enough to swim before work.

We had professional movers pack up the rest of our stuff today at 1:00. Knowing this was on the schedule, I headed over to the apartment around noon to help pick up and get the last few things ready for the movers. By 12:45 there wasn’t much else I could do and I figured I would head back to work. This is when I had the breakthrough. I hadn’t showered in the morning and was feeling pretty gross, so I talked myself into swinging by the gym (I had my swim stuff in the car) and taking a shower. By the time I got to the gym I had convinced myself to at least get in the pool and swim a 500. By the time I was in the pool I knew I wasn’t going to leave without doing at least a partial workout. It felt really good to be in the pool again.

300 Free warm-up
5 x 100 Free @ 2:05 (coming in between 1:10 and 1:15)
200 Free easy
50 Free fast (0:30)
200 Free warm-down

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