Legs 20070130

I have my one-on-one meetings with our CEO on Tuesdays at 1:30, so we have to either cut the workout short, or get to the gym a bit early. Today we got to the gym early. Joey’s wife is still sick, so it was just me and Travis.

One of the trainers was using the Squat rack when we got there. We have a pretty good relationship with him. He kept asking us if we wanted a bench or a chair to use when we did out squats, so we would know how far down we needed to go. We have a running joke about not going deep enough on our squats. I went deep today. I’m going to feel it for a long time, but I think it was worth it.

Weight: 246.0

225/20 275/10 315/5

Leg Press:
580/20 670/10 760/5

Standing Calf Raise:
395/20 395/10 395/10

Leg Extension:
140/20 170/10 200/5

Hamstring Curl:
95/20 120/10 145/5

Incline Sit-up:

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