I was half-way through convincing myself that I should swim or not even go to the gym today when Kyle asked if I was going and what I was doing. When I said it was a legs day, his reaction told me I wasn’t getting out of it.
Kyle ended up heading to the gym before I grabbed Travis to go over there. We signed up with ADP to do our payroll and yesterday was payday. ADP does one thing, payroll. Unfortunately for them and everyone that uses them, they don’t do that one thing very well. ADP can’t figure out how to do a direct deposit in under a month. They think they need a full 6 weeks before they can directly deposit our checks into our bank accounts, so we’re stuck with paper checks for at least a month. Yesterday the first batch of paper checks arrived. The entire stack had to be tossed out, because they had messed up everyone’s 401(k) contributions. They responded by sending out a new batch of paper checks today. Once again, they messed up many of the checks, including mine. I was presented with a check for less than I’ve made in a long time, which meant that my tax withholding and 401(k) contributions were also messed up. It took about 20 minutes of discussion with our office manager to figure out the right solution (make ADP cut me a third check, hoping they can pull their head out and do it right this time). That made me about 15 minutes late leaving for the gym.
I didn’t see Joey at work today, so I figured he was still sick. We saw Lindsey at the gym and she said their whole family is sick. That doesn’t sound very fun. She said their baby is the sickest of them all and has been throwing up multiple times every day. After today’s workout, I was a few seconds from throwing up. Luckily, I made it out the door and into the 15 degree weather in time to cool off enough to keep my breakfast down.
Weight: 247.0
225/20 275/10 315/3(+1)
Leg Press:
580/20 670/10 760/8
Standing Calf Raise:
395/20 395/20 395/20
Hamstring Curl:
110/20 140/10 170/5
Leg Extension:
140/20 170/10 200/8
Seated Calf Raise:
315/5 225/10
Hi jtalbot,
unfortunatly i couldn’t find your real-name somewhere so i hope you
won’t think that this is some kind of junk-mail.
I do not know if you write down your exercises somewhere on your
computer, but imaybe my project could be of help for you.
A couple of month ago i started a sports-page where people can save
down their exercises to see on wich day they have down what sport
and for how long or far they have done it.
If you want to, you can check it out at http://www.endorphinum.de
As there are not many users (only a hand full do swim) already i
would like to support you as much as possible to convince you
from at least testing out the page.
So if you have any questions, just mail me to the mail i have
entered above.
Otherwise i wish you the best for this year
and that everything works out for you.
Carlos Pinto
Hamburg, Germany
Thanks for the invitation to your site. I signed up as user 79. I’m not sure you know this, but I build and test software for a living. I’m sure I’ll have a lot of comments/feedback/suggestions for you on your site. Please let me know where to send them.
– jt