Indoor Open-Water Swim

Although it is highly unusual for me to sleep well when my wife is out of town, I must have.  I woke up this morning at 6:30 and felt like swimming.  I blame the combination of extreme cold (I let it get down to 62 degrees during the night) and the ultimate quiet of the awesome new house for my rested state.

The pool was empty when I arrived, but by the time I had changed into my suit, some of the usual suspects were getting into the pool.  These two, a fat old man and his fat old wife, are there almost every day.  They don’t swim.  They do their own version of the aqua-cow dance.  Luckily they were both in the slow lane, which gave me my choice of the remaining two lanes.

The lane line between the slow lane and the medium lane is always very loose.  The aqua-cows remove it 6 times a week (2 x M,W,F) so they can fit their whole herd in the pool for the aqua-cow dance.  They obviously don’t have access to a wrench, so when I swim in the middle lane I tighten the line two or three clicks by hand, but it’s still not as tight as it should be.

Knowing that these two old fatties would be making a lot of strange wave patterns that would probably cross the loose lane line, I chose to swim in the fast lane.  As soon as I started swimming the old women moved into the middle lane for no apparent reason.  It’s usually bad enough just to have to see her tennis shoes and fat legs as I swim by, but today was a special treat.  Today, like several other days, she almost killed me with the extreme amount of horrible perfume/hairspray she was wearing.  Why do you need perfume and hairspray to go swimming?  As if that wasn’t enough, she started doing a new spin move that crash huge waves of stink from her lane into mine.

It was pretty horrible, but I still managed to get in a decent swim.

500 Free warm-up
5 x 100 Free @ 1:30 (coming in under 1:30)
100 Free easy
6 x 50 Kicking @ 1:30 (coming in under 1:00, 0:55, 0:50)
2 x 100 Kicking
150 Free warm-down
1750 yards (1 mile)

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