Double Dipping 20070131

Well, I headed back to the pool after work. I must be nuts.

I ran into Kyle at the gym. He told me more about the situation with Mitch. I think I finally understand a little bit of why he decided to leave Bungee Labs. Kyle says that they are basically making Mitch their number 2 guy. This all means that even though Bungee Labs has a better opportunity for overall growth (by far, IMHO), the personal opportunity that Mitch has may be better. Imagine that Bungee grows 10 times as much as Mitch’s new company. If he has more than 10 times as much ownership in the new company, he makes more money than he would at Bungee, even though Bungee grew so much more. Plus his salary must have gone way, way up.

I’m pretty sure that deal wouldn’t have convinced me to leave. First of all, I am not fit to be the one of the top dogs at a company yet. That offer alone would have told me that the company wasn’t going to do well. But even if it was purely a money thing, I’m not sure that would do it for me. I want to be a part of what Bungee Labs is building. I really think it’s going to have a profound impact on software in the not too distant future.

Enough rambling.

500 Free warm-up
4 x 100 IM @ 3:00 (coming in @ 1:30) — this was hard. I should do more of it.
100 Free easy
5 x 50 Kick @ 1:30 (coming in @ 0:55)
1250 yards

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