Day two of this round. I sent a fairly inflammatory email right before leaving for lunch today. I was pretty upset and tried to turn that into a good run. It sort of worked. I ran my first mile under 9:00, but my phone was ringing off the hook, so I paused my running to see what all the fuss was about. It was about the email I sent, so I turned the ringer off and got back on the treadmill. I had a hard time getting back up to speed, but eventually started alternating 2 minutes at 4 mph, 2 minutes at 6.5 mph. I crossed the 3.0 mile mark around 32 minutes, which is much better than yesterday. At that point I decided I wasn’t ready to go back to work yet, so I walked another 10 or 12 minutes at 4.0 mph. I forgot to look at the final distance, so I’m going to be conservative and just count it at 3.5 miles, but I think it was probably closer to 3.8.
The push-ups were more of a challenge today, but not much more. 40, 30, 30.