We have been told that Chocolate Milk is the best recovery drink after a workout. Even the top Olympic athletes drink it. Our coach brought chocolate milk and strudel to our workout tonight. He even admitted what many of us were thinking… that we really didn’t work hard enough in our last practice to earn donuts. I think we ended up earning them last night.
Charmaine was sick and didn’t go to practice, so I brought a few “extra” strudels home to her. We had a pretty good group though. I was in lane 1 all night, with people doing SCUBA training underneath me. Actually, if the SCUBA people had stayed underneath us, it would have been fine, but they kept coming up on the ladder in the middle of our lane. Their equipment was huge and blocked most the lane, which isn’t a good thing when you have multiple people swimming butterfly in the same lane. It suddenly became clear why Chelsea said she didn’t want to swim in the same lane as “SCUBA Steve” again… at the time I thought she was making reference to one of the guys on the team and couldn’t figure out why she was upset with him. LOL.
Warm-Up (1800):
3 x 300 free with 20 seconds rest
2 x 300 kicking choice on 6:00 with fins
2 x 150 kicking choice on 3:00 with fins
Main Set (1950):
12 x 50 (25 fly, 25 free) on 1:10 with fins (coming in under 0:35)
6 x 25 stroke drill choice on 0:30
8 x 150 free pulling on 10 seconds rest