Family Swim Evening 20070205

I know I won’t be able to lift during lunch tomorrow, so I thought I’d get some extra exercise in tonight. Charmaine met me at the gym, but decided to hit the treadmill while I swam.

It was sort of crowded when I got in around 7:40. Not long after I started swimming, I was forced to share my lane. Luckily, the girl that got in my lane could swim very well. That only lasted for about 300 yards until the boyfriend-girlfriend combination got out and left me the center lane.

400 Free warm-up
8 x 100 Free @ 2:15 (coming in @ 1:15)
100 Free easy
8 x 50 Kick @ 1:30 (coming in @ 0:50)
100 Free easy
200 Free warm-down
2000 yards

Double Dipping 20070131

Well, I headed back to the pool after work. I must be nuts.

I ran into Kyle at the gym. He told me more about the situation with Mitch. I think I finally understand a little bit of why he decided to leave Bungee Labs. Kyle says that they are basically making Mitch their number 2 guy. This all means that even though Bungee Labs has a better opportunity for overall growth (by far, IMHO), the personal opportunity that Mitch has may be better. Imagine that Bungee grows 10 times as much as Mitch’s new company. If he has more than 10 times as much ownership in the new company, he makes more money than he would at Bungee, even though Bungee grew so much more. Plus his salary must have gone way, way up.

I’m pretty sure that deal wouldn’t have convinced me to leave. First of all, I am not fit to be the one of the top dogs at a company yet. That offer alone would have told me that the company wasn’t going to do well. But even if it was purely a money thing, I’m not sure that would do it for me. I want to be a part of what Bungee Labs is building. I really think it’s going to have a profound impact on software in the not too distant future.

Enough rambling.

500 Free warm-up
4 x 100 IM @ 3:00 (coming in @ 1:30) — this was hard. I should do more of it.
100 Free easy
5 x 50 Kick @ 1:30 (coming in @ 0:55)
1250 yards

Swimming Wednesday 20070131

I felt bad telling Travis that I was going to swim today. I felt worse when I couldn’t find Joey, which meant Travis would be doing shoulders alone.

250 Free warm-up
10 x 100 Free @ 2:05 (coming in between 1:15 and 1:20)
100 Free easy
5 x 50 Kick @ 1:30 (coming in under 0:55)
200 Free warm-down
1800 yards

Swimming Tuesday Night 20070130

I met Charmaine at the gym for a swim after work.  I’m still really sore from Monday’s chest workout, and I don’t think sitting in the hot tub tonight will be very good for my legs after what I did to them earlier today.  It’ll be interesting to see if I can walk tomorrow and Thursday.
500 Free warm-up
10 x 100 Free @ 2:05 (coming in under 1:15)
100 Free easy
5 x 50 Kick @ 1:30 (coming in @ 0:50)
200 Free easy
2 x 50 @ 2:00 (coming in @ 0:30)
250 Free warm-down
2400 yards

Monday Madness 20070129

Mitch is quitting. This is not the best news I’ve heard recently. It gave me incentive to hit the pool after work tonight. Wow. It was crowded. At one point there were 8 people in the pool. 4 of the people (3 girls, 1 guy) looked like they were just out of high school. They were pretty fast. I was impressed when one of the girls swam a 50 Free in just over 30 seconds. It was nice having those guys there, because I had to be faster. Charmaine came down, but she forgot her swim gear, so she ran on the treadmill instead. It seemed to be just as crowded in that area of the gym.

300 Free warm-up
5 x 100 Free @ 2:05 (coming in at 1:10) — yes, the clock was working again
5 x 50 Kick @ 1:30 (coming in at 0:50)
200 Free
4 x 50 Free @ 2:00 (coming in under 0:30)
100 Free
100 Kick
100 Free
1850 yards

Swimming Saturday 20070127

After a few hours of work (on a Saturday) I decided I would head to the gym for some swimming. Charmaine was at a wedding reception in Bountiful, so there was no reason to go home.

I’m sure this will come as a surprise (not): the swim clock is broken again. It only lasted 2 days this time. That’s very impressive. I’m just glad the suit spinner is still working. They added a rim at the top of the cage to help hold things down when they spin. I think it’s a good idea. I hope it doesn’t break again, but who are we kidding. When you have morons stuffing an entire jogging suit and towel into the “swimsuit spinner” you can’t expect it to last forever.

500 Free warm-up
5 x ( 200 Free, 100 Kick)
200 Free warm-down
2200 yards

Swimming 20070125

I was sort of upset about learning that Kyle only has one more day at Bungee Labs, so I decided to hit the pool after work. When I arrived, the dance of the sea cows was well underway. I had forgotten about them. It was 7:40. The sea cow class starts at 6:45. I figured I could wait 5 minutes in the hot tub until they were done (they take out the lane lines, so it’s nigh impossible to swim while they are doing their thing). By 7:50 I was starting to get upset that they were still going. I was also getting sick of sitting in the hot tub. I decided to sit in the sauna for the last few minutes before they finally left around 8:00.

300 Free warm-up
5 x 100 Free @ 2:15 (coming in at 1:15) — it’s a miracle that they finally fixed the clock
5 x 50 Kick @ 1:20 (coming in at 0:55)
5 x 100 Free @ 2:15 (coming in at 1:20)
5 x 50 Kick @ 1:30 (coming in at 1:00)
300 Free warm-down
2100 yards

Swimming 20070124

I’m feeling fairly sore from Monday’s chest routine and yesterday’s leg routine, so I decided to swim some of the acid out. I’m not sure it really works that way, but it sounds good.

300 Free warm-up
5 x 100 Free @ broken clock (I hate Gold’s Gym)
5 x 50 Kick @ broken clock (maybe I should get my own mini swim clock)
5 x 100 Free @ broken clock (or a watch)
4 x 50 Kick easy
100 Free easy
1850 yards

Swimming with Whales 20070118

Instead of going to the gym during lunch, a bunch of us piled in my car and headed to Betos in American Fork to meet up with Joe. He seems to be enjoying his new job. Of course, going to lunch isn’t the same as going to the gym, so I decided to swim after work.

I had forgotten that the whales do their water aerobics on Tuesday and Thursday nights. I had also forgotten just how many whales show up after the beginning of the new year. I think they set a record tonight. There were about 30 whales dancing in the pool when I arrived at 7:30. Trying to swim through their waves was very much like swimming in the ocean… except instead of salt water I had to put up with perfume, deodorant, and hair-spray water. I would choose salt water any day.

300 Free Warm-Up
8 x 100 Free @ 2:05 (coming in between 1:15 and 1:20)
100 Free easy
6 x 50 Kick @ 1:30 (coming in @ 1:00)
100 Free Warm-Down
1750 Yards

Swim 20070117

In a futile attempt to work some of the acid out of my legs and chest, I decided to swim today. If it works, I’ll probably do this every Wednesday from now on.

500 Free Warm-Up
10 x 100 Free @ 2:05 (coming in @1:15)
5 x 50 Kick (the clock died again so I couldn’t get my times)
100 Free Warm-Down
1850 Yards

I’m getting sick of all the broken things at Gold’s Gym. I keep toying with the idea of documenting them on a blog somewhere. Here’s a quick list of the things that upset me today:

1- The pool clock stopped working again
2- Everything is so dirty that it’s really disgusting
3- The drain in the shower doesn’t fit the hole anymore and has sunken in, causing anyone that steps on it to cut their foot
4- They don’t have enough lockers (ok, this is a design thing, not a maintenance thing)
5- The swimsuit spinner is broken again

I want to bring my camera to document all of it, but cameras are restricted in certain areas, such as the locker room, for obvious reasons. Those areas seem to be in the worst shape and the dirtiest. Coincidence? I doubt it.