Quick Swim 20070221

Martin moved our staff meeting to 11:00, so I warned Travis that I probably wouldn’t be done by 12:00. I was right. At 12:00 Joey walked by the conference room on his way to the gym. We didn’t get out of the meeting for another 35 minutes. This left only enough time for a quick swim.

500 Free warm-up
6 x 100 Free @ 2:05 (coming in under 1:15)
100 Free easy
1200 yards

Chest 20070220

It’s been more than a week since I’ve lifted weights. Travis went to be with his wife as she had some teeth pulled today, so it was shaping up to be another swim day (or skip it till after work). But then Joey said he wanted to lift. My excuses were gone. It’s probably a good thing, too, because I’m getting pretty weak.

Weight: 247.2

Flat Bench:
185/16 – 185/4 245/3 – 225/5 225/10

Incline Bench:
155/20 185/10 225/5

Incline Fly:
50/20 70/10 80/5

Bar Dip:
-80/12 -50/9 0/6

Swimming 20070219

Josh talked me and Lin into going to lunch instead of working out, so I figured I better hit the pool before I went home. I was surprised at how busy the gym was at 10:00 at night. While I swam about 15 guys came and went from the hot tub, sauna, and steam room.

300 Free warm-up
200 Kick
5 x 100 Free @ 2:05 (coming in under 1:15)
100 Free easy
200 Kick
200 Free
100 Kick
100 Free
1700 yards

Night Swimming 20070215

I worked through the night last night. Well, I actually got home around 5:50am and slept for a good 90 minutes before getting up to shower and shave for work today. We had an important meeting today and we did whatever it took to get things ready for it. The meeting went well. I wanted to go straight home and sleep for 20 hours, but Charmaine and I have a class together on Wednesday nights, so I couldn’t go home. I decided the best way to stay awake (and stop working) was to hit the pool. I’m finally feeling better from whatever I’ve had for the past week, so I pushed myself pretty hard.

500 Free warm-up
50 Free
100 Free
150 Free
200 Free
250 Free
250 Kick
3 x (200 Free, 100 Kick)
4 x 50 Free
200 Free warm-down
2800 yards

Back in the tank

Well, I have plenty of excuses for not working out or swimming last week. The best one is that I was sick. I’m still having a tough time breathing, but it’s not enough to stop me from hitting the gym anymore. Charmaine came by my work around 6:30 and we headed to the gym for a swim.

300 Free warm-up
200 Free
100 Kick
200 Free
100 Kick
5 x 100 Free @ 2:05 (coming in under 1:15)
100 Free easy
2 x 100 Kick
200 Free easy
1900 yards

Two for Tuesday 20070206

Even though I already had a pretty good swim at lunch (which is highly unusual for me on a Tuesday), I decided to take a break from work and hit the pool again tonight. Joey has been working on a really big change to some core pieces of our server and had to take a break around 6:00 to go to dinner. I knew he would be back to keep working on finding and fixing any problems left in the changes he made. That gave me the window to hit the pool. I called Charmaine and she came down and swam a bit too.

500 Free warm-up
5 x 100 Free @ unknown (gold’s gym broken clock syndrome)
200 Kick
2 x (2 x 100 Free, 100 Kick)
200 Free warm-down
2000 yards

Tuesday Swim 20070206

Travis left work early today and asked that we do legs tomorrow. When lunchtime rolled around, Joey was nowhere to be found, so I headed over for an unusual Tuesday lunch swim. I had to be fairly fast, because I have a one-on-one with Martin at 1:30 on Tuesdays and I didn’t leave work till almost 12:30.

500 Free warm-up
500 Free
5 x 100 Free @ unknown (yes, the clock is broken AGAIN)
250 Kick
250 Free warm-down
2000 yards

Family Swim Evening 20070205

I know I won’t be able to lift during lunch tomorrow, so I thought I’d get some extra exercise in tonight. Charmaine met me at the gym, but decided to hit the treadmill while I swam.

It was sort of crowded when I got in around 7:40. Not long after I started swimming, I was forced to share my lane. Luckily, the girl that got in my lane could swim very well. That only lasted for about 300 yards until the boyfriend-girlfriend combination got out and left me the center lane.

400 Free warm-up
8 x 100 Free @ 2:15 (coming in @ 1:15)
100 Free easy
8 x 50 Kick @ 1:30 (coming in @ 0:50)
100 Free easy
200 Free warm-down
2000 yards

Chest 20070205

I didn’t realize exactly how much I had used my shoulders during the cross-country skiing until I got under some weight on the flat bench today. It’s Joey and Lyndsey’s anniversary today, so he had to leave work a bit early for a “couples massage.” That meant that he worked until he left around 1:00. Travis and I worked until he left as well, then we headed to the gym where we ran into Kyle.

Weight: 246.8

Flat Bench:
185/20 225/10 245/5 — I need to go up next week

Incline Bench:
165/19(+1) 185/10 225/4(+1)

Incline Dumbbell Fly:
55/20 70/10 85/4(+1)

Bar Dip:
2 — total failure

Cross-Country Skiing

We spent the weekend in Park City, where I finally learned how to cross country ski. I’m not sure that I’ve mastered the lingo, but I think they call what I did “skating.” I was shown the V1, V2, and V2 Alternate methods of skating. I figured out an additional method on my own; they called it “wimp skiing.” I was far from good at any of them, but I was least-bad at the V1.

I was surprised that the skis were so light. They don’t have metal edges, so that’s probably a big part of the reason they are so light. But they’re also very thin, which made it difficult for me to balance. I think I crashed about 10 times, with at least 3 of them being pretty hard. I even ran over my hand a couple times.

It was a lot of fun.

Cross-Country Ski:
5000m in about 90 minutes (I know, I’m slow)