Shoulders and Swimming 20070502

As I sat here eating my Double Western Bacon Cheeseburger (970 calories) from Carl’s Jr and sucking down my Hand Scooped Chocolate Malt (780 calories) I realized that I hadn’t written up today’s workout.

Swimming is very shoulder-intensive, at least the way I swim. So on days when we do shoulders, I like to just swim. I didn’t feel right about leaving Travis to do shoulders on his own, so we came up with a compromise. I did military press with him before jumping in the pool. It seemed to work out pretty well.

Weight: 258.8 (again)

Military Press:
135/16 155/12

300 Free warm-up
200 Kick
8 x 100 Free 2x (2:00, 2:15, 2:30, 2:45)
200 Free warm-down
1500 yards

Some legs, some swimming 20070501

Well, I talked Travis out of finishing our leg workout. We were competing for resources with several other groups of people, and we didn’t have much time. I had to get back to work for my 1-1 with Martin, so we couldn’t just sit around and wait for the others to finish their sets. We got in some good stretching while waiting for the squat rack to open up, then we did standing calf raises while waiting for the leg press to open up. But we were not the only ones waiting for the leg press, and the other group started before we were done with our standing calf raises. This gave me the perfect chance to talk Travis out of more leg workouts. I don’t think I’ll be so lucky next week.

I still wanted to get some cardio in before we left, and there was no way I could run with my jello legs, so I hit the pool. There were 2 other people in the pool already. They must have been training for something, because they had a bunch of equipment and were pushing themselves pretty hard. I was faster, of course, but I could only swim for about 20 minutes before it was time to go.

Weight: 258.8

225/12 275/10 275/4

Standing Calf Raise:
395/12 395/12 395/12

400 Free warm-up
5 x 100 Free descending (3:00, 2:45, 2:30, 2:15, 2:00)
100 Free warm-down
1000 yards

Starting up (yet again)

We are very busy at work. We have been operating in stealth-mode for the past 18 months, but we finally debuted at the Web 2.0 conference in San Francisco 2 weeks ago. Ever since that time, we’ve been getting a lot of positive press and attention, which has kept things busy. I’ve managed to keep my hours under 100 per week, but it has been pretty crazy. I did manage to swim every now and then, but it wasn’t very often. And I never blogged it.

Summer has come to Utah and that means a lot of things for me. I finally broke down and turned on my air conditioner this morning before I left for work. I need to hire someone to install sprinklers and grass at my new house. It’s time to get serious about working out again. Travis and I hit the gym today for the first time in a long time. It was pretty pathetic, but at least we’re getting back to it. Some of the guys at work are very into biking, specifically mountain biking, so I’ve thought about getting my bike out and trying to hang with them from time to time. I’m not as confident about that one, but I’ll try it at least once. And it won’t be very long until the outdoor pools are open and I can start swimming outside. There’s really nothing as fun as swimming in a well-maintained outdoor pool.

I lost about 25 pounds while working out over the last 18 months, which seemed like a very healthy rate to lose weight (and gain muscle). But today I hopped on the scale to see that I’ve gained 20 pounds back in about 2 months. That doesn’t seem nearly as healthy. I’ve also lost a lot of my strength and tone (as you’ll notice in today’s numbers). I think it’s probably good that I gained so much weight, because I don’t think it would motivate me to action the way this has. I’m back.

Weight: 258.0

Flat Bench:
135/20 (very easy) 185/16 205/10

Incline Bench:
135/16 155/14 185/12

Incline Dumbbell Fly:
60/16 70/12 80/4

.91 miles in 10 minutes

Shoulders 20070308

Joey did Back and Biceps with his wife yesterday while I swam, so he wanted to do shoulders today. We didn’t do a lot of sets, but we pushed ourselves pretty well. Then we ran a mile. I think we’re going to try to run at least a mile after we lift each day. We’ll see how that goes.


Military Press:
135/12 155/10 155/8

Dumbbell Press:
50/12 60/10 70/8

1.0 mile in 9:40

Another Morning Swim 20070308

Yesterday was Charmaine’s birthday. I left work “early” so we could to dinner at Bambara. It was really good. Then I had to work some more, but I want to get in the habit of swimming in the morning, so I go up and went. It was even more pathetic than the swim yesterday. The soreness in my arms and chest is starting to subside, but my legs hurt so badly that I have a hard time getting in and out of the car. Doing flipturns was a joke, and I couldn’t push myself off the wall worth anything. It was sad. But I am still happy that I forced myself to go.

200 Free
100 Kick
5 x 100 Free
200 Kick
1000 yards

Afternoon Swim 20070307

I think I was too sore to do anything other than swim today, and it was a pretty pathetic attempt. Joey came by to see if I was going to the gym and I said no, but then I felt bad and went anyway. In the mean-time, Lyndsey had picked him up and they were working out when I got to the gym.

150 Free
150 Kick
200 Free
5 x 100 Free @ 2:30
200 Free
1200 yards

Legs 20070306

I’m not sure how smart it was to push so hard today, but it was fun. Lyndsey did a leg workout with us, which gave us a little bit of extra time to rest between sets, but we still managed to destroy ourselves.

225/12 275/10 275/8

Leg Press:
580/12 670/10 760/8

Standing Calf Raise:
395/12 395/10 395/8

2.0 miles – 24:00

Morning Swim 20070306

I did something today that I haven’t done in a long time. I got up and swam before work. It was nice. The sun is coming up early enough now that the drive in to the gym wasn’t bad.

300 Free warm-up
300 Kick
3 x 100 Free @ 2:05
2 x 100 Kick
2 x 100 Free
2 x 100 Kick
2 x 100 Free
150 Free warm-down
1850 yards

Away Too Long 20070305

I knew it had been a while since I hit the gym, but I didn’t realize exactly *how* long it had been. I guess it’s not too surprising that I lost as much strength as I did.

Weight: 247.0

Flat Bench:
225/12 245/8* 245/5(+1)
* Joey was spotting me and had his hands on the bar way too much. After I pushed up #8 (which was getting really difficult) he pulled the bar in and said, “you’re done, I’m not lifting 50 pounds another rep.” The worst part is that I had no idea he was even helping; I have no idea how many reps he was helping; and I have no idea how I would have done otherwise. Lesson Learned: NEVER let your spotter touch the bar until you ask for it.

Incline Bench:
185/12 205/8(+2) 215/6

Incline Fly:
60/12 70/10 80/8

Bar Dip:
6 7


My goggles broke while I was swimming today. I was in the middle of seeing if I could swim a full mile without stopping. I wasn’t really keeping track of how far I had gone, but I was keeping track of how far ahead of the guy next to me I was. I was a full 100 yards ahead of him (I’m guessing I had gone about 600 yards to his 500 yards). I decided to kick a couple hundred before going back to regular swimming. I kicked a 200 and went to put my goggles back over my eyes when the elastic snapped. I guess I could have kicked some more, but I lost my morale after that.

To make matters worse, when I went to get a drink, a maintenance worker stepped out of the boiler room and told everyone to get out of the hot tub. I asked him a few questions about what was wrong. Apparently the chemical detection and supply pieces of the mechanism broke a while back and the pool company sent him the wrong parts, so now the chemical mixture in the hot tub was dangerous. He drained it as fast as possible. I surmised that it must mean a lack of chemicals and an overabundance of bacteria. If the chlorine levels were too high, they could just dilute it, but with the chlorine too low, the bugs come in. Maybe I’m wrong, but I was certainly glad I hadn’t stepped into the hot tub.

200 Free warm-up
600 Free continuous
200 Kick
1000 yards