Friday on the trainer

Charmaine talked me into riding our bikes and watching a couple episodes of The West Wing Friday night. I’m hoping that I’ll start getting used to being in the saddle, but so far I don’t last more than about 40 minutes before I’m pretty uncomfortable. We ended up finishing the first episode and got about 5 minutes into the next episode before I couldn’t take it any more. I think that means we rode about 50 minutes, which is pretty good for me. Other than the 25 mile ride in last year’s Spudman Triathlon, I don’t think I’ve been on my bike this long.

Saturday Charmaine jumped back on the trainer again. I was in no condition to hurt myself again, so I felt a bit bad about letting her ride on her own. She didn’t want me to feel bad about it, so she said she would be pretty quick. More than 2 hours later she was still riding. I think it’s pretty obvious that I’m holding her back on this training thing. Hopefully I’ll start to catch up one of these weeks.

Where is everyone?

Tonight was the smallest group we’ve had yet. Everyone had their own lane! It was just me, Charmaine, Justin, Jeff, and Steve.

I’ve been fighting what I think is tennis-elbow or a mild tendonitis in my right elbow for a couple weeks now. The last few times I’ve swam it has flared up a bit, but tonight was the worst yet. My arm was completely useless by the end of practice and I could barely drive home using my left arm. Even now I can’t find a comfortable position for my right elbow. I’m going to have to really take it easy when I’m out of the pool if I want to be able to swim. I’m also trying to improve my stroke technique to help my elbow as well. I’ve got a lot of improving to do!

We discovered that we’re all breathing incorrectly. Some of us are holding our breath from when we breathe in until it’s time to breathe in again, then quickly exhaling, other are pausing while they inhale, and still others are exhaling too long. Any and/or all of these are fairly serious problems that can lead to ataxia (not enough oxygen in the brain) which makes you run out of steam extremely quickly. Breathing is about relaxing. Swimming is about who can stay relaxed the longest. If you’re breathing is slowly causing your brain to lose oxygen, you won’t be relaxed very long. We spent a few minutes at the end of practice working on some breathing exercises to help us see what we’re doing wrong.

Warm-Up (800):
400 free
200 free Pulling
200 fly kick on our backs with fins

Main Set (2200):
12 x 50 free on 1:00
10 x 50 fly on 1:10 with fins (25 fly drill, 25 full stroke)
8 x 100 free on 1:45 (4 white, 2 pink, 2 red)
12 x 25 underwater fly kick on 0:40 with fins (come up after mid-pool)

Warm-Down (275):
4 x 50 shooters with fins (25 underwater, 25 easy)
1 x 75 easy


Tonight we learned how to race. Go out hard, bring it back a little easier, build with the legs, and then bring it home. When you break down a 200, for example, the first 50 should be the fastest; the second 50 should be the least fast (but not slow); you need to really build with the legs on the third 50, or you’ll lose the race; and you give everything you have left on the last 50.

It was the smallest group we’ve had since I’ve been going. There were just 6 of us. I was, once again, in the Ave Grinder lane. Jeff was with me. He did really well for the first half of the workout, but then trailed off at the end. In the next lane were Wade and Charmaine, who did the big set with fins… and the final lane were Sabrina and Andrea. I think we all pushed pretty hard tonight. I managed to stay ahead of Sabrina every time, but Wade was killing me with his fins.

Warm-Up (1300):
400 Free
200 Back
4 x 50 Fly drill on 10 seconds rest (1 left, 1 full, 1 right, 1 full)
10 x 50 kick on 0:50 with fins (50 free, 50 choice)

Main Set (1900):
4 x (

4 x 50 Free on 1:00 (1-4-3-2)
1 x 200 Free on 3:00 (1-4-3-2)

4 x 75 drill (50 swim, 25 sculling)

Riding the West Wing

We haven’t ridden our trainers too much, but I’ve decided that I should be blogging about the times when we do, just so there’s a record of it… and why we weren’t swimming or running (yeah right) or doing something else.

Last night I spent some time messing around with the iPhone SDK while Charmaine was reading a book. After a while I heard a peculiar noise. It sounded a bit like the clothes dryer at first, but then I realized it was coming from the TV room. Charmaine had started to ride her bike while watching TV. I’ve found too many excuses to skip riding in the past, so I decided I would get on and ride. We ended up riding about 45 minutes… the entire length of a West Wing episode on Boxee.

I spent more than half the time in a higher gear than the last time we rode, so I was pretty happy about that. I really enjoy riding the bike. Now if I could just stop getting sore from all that time in the saddle!

Substitute Teacher

Coach Durant is out of town for the state championship swim meet this weekend. Filling in for him was a friend of his that used to swim fro BYU. She did a good job and I think we all worked pretty hard, so as to not let down our real coach.

I was in the Axe Grinder lane again tonight with Jeff and Andrea. Somehow I managed to stay away from the wall. Maybe I’ll become friends with this lane after all. In the next lane over was Steve. He was really working hard tonight. It was all I could do to stay ahead of him on the 9 x 50s we did at the end of our warm-up.

Coach Durant left instructions for us to do the main set without fins unless we couldn’t make the interval. I thought that was a great excuse to just use fins, but Andrea talked me out of it. We only managed to do the first 3 without fins, then finished up with our fins on. Steve did the whole thing without fins. Wow. Between Andrea and Steve challenging me, it’s amazing that I found an excuse to take it easy for the second set of 3 x 200 (I even went last after Jeff and Andrea). I felt bad about that and moved up to second for the last set and then took the very last one as hard as I could. So at least it wasn’t a total slack job. It’s great to have people like Andrea and Steve there to push me so hard.

Warm-Up (1050):
1 x 600 (200 Free, 200 Back, 200 Free-Back: rotating every 5 strokes)
9 x 50 Free on 1:00 (3 x (1 x “smooth”, 1 x medium, 1 x “strong”) )

Main Set (2200):
3 x 200 Free on 3:30 no fins
1 x 100 Easy
3 x 200 Free on 3:30 with fins (i went last and took these a little too easy)
1 x 100 Easy
3 x 200 Free on 3:30 with fins (i went second, second, and then first and pushed it)
1 x 200 Easy

Open Turns

The night started with coach Durant telling me he thinks I should train to compete in the 1650 (1 mile) event at some future masters swim meet. I told him I used to be a sprinter and that I doubt I’d be very competitive in the mile, but he thinks I may. Who knows? I have been feeling pretty good when we swim longer distances.

I swam in lane 1 tonight. I’ve decided to start calling it the Axe Grinder, because when I swim on my back I inevitably wind up grinding my left hand against the wall at some point. Jeff and Chelsea were also in the Axe Grinder lane, but they didn’t have quite as much trouble as I did. Actually, one of them did complain about hitting their hand on the ladder in the middle of the pool. I think that counts. But hey, at least we didn’t have to fight with the SCUBA team.

There were 4 people in lane 2. Leading that lane was Sabrina. She’s only 20 years old and still really fast. She killed me on the kicking sets, but I stayed ahead of her on the fly sets. We both knew the other was trying to win, so we wound up pushing a little bit harder than we would have otherwise. That’s what it’s all about.

Warm-Up (1000):
400 free
300 kick choice with fins
200 free pull
100 back

Main Set (1650):
6 x 50 fly kick on our back, hands down on 0:45 with fins
5 x 100 free on 1:40 (2 white, 2 pink, 1 red)
6 x 25 on 0:30 drill choice
6 x 25 fly drill on 0:40 (3 kicks underwater, 1 full stroke) with fins
6 x 25 fly drill on 0:45 (1 left, 1 full, 1 right, 1 full) with fins

We worked on open turns for about 15 minutes

4 x 25 hammer-down drill (12.5 race-pace, 10 seconds vertical kicking with arms raised high, 12.5 race-pace)
4 x 25 hammer-down drill with fins
2 x 100 (75 pull, 25 scull)

Chocolate Milk

We have been told that Chocolate Milk is the best recovery drink after a workout. Even the top Olympic athletes drink it. Our coach brought chocolate milk and strudel to our workout tonight. He even admitted what many of us were thinking… that we really didn’t work hard enough in our last practice to earn donuts. I think we ended up earning them last night.

Charmaine was sick and didn’t go to practice, so I brought a few “extra” strudels home to her. We had a pretty good group though. I was in lane 1 all night, with people doing SCUBA training underneath me. Actually, if the SCUBA people had stayed underneath us, it would have been fine, but they kept coming up on the ladder in the middle of our lane. Their equipment was huge and blocked most the lane, which isn’t a good thing when you have multiple people swimming butterfly in the same lane. It suddenly became clear why Chelsea said she didn’t want to swim in the same lane as “SCUBA Steve” again… at the time I thought she was making reference to one of the guys on the team and couldn’t figure out why she was upset with him. LOL.

Warm-Up (1800):
3 x 300 free with 20 seconds rest
2 x 300 kicking choice on 6:00 with fins
2 x 150 kicking choice on 3:00 with fins

Main Set (1950):
12 x 50 (25 fly, 25 free) on 1:10 with fins (coming in under 0:35)
6 x 25 stroke drill choice on 0:30
8 x 150 free pulling on 10 seconds rest

I must have pushed really hard tonight, because I’m having a really hard time remembering what we did. I know there was a lot of fly and a lot of fly kicking, but I’m struggling to pull it out of my head right now. I think I’m pretty close, but feel free to correct me.

Coach Durant made me and Jeff do full-stroke fly when others were doing fly drill. He even made sure I didn’t breathe every stroke. It was tough.

At the end of practice he challenged the whole team to swim a 25 underwater without fins for donuts. He then added that if I could swim a 62.5 under water without fins, that he’d bring chocolate milk and donuts on Thursday. I checked my pulse. 120. I knew I wouldn’t make it, but at least I made the 25. Everyone else made the 25 as well, and some guys made it another half length, which convinced Coach Durant to bring chocolate milk anyway (even though I didn’t make my 2.5 lengths underwater). I guess I should practice that sometime.

Warm-Up (800):
300 Streamline Freestyle kicking on our sides
2 x 50 one-arm fly
16 x 25 (3 x free, free, fly; 1 x free) with fins on 0:40

Main Set (2100):
10 x 50 fly kick 360 (left-side, stomach, right-side, back, repeat) with fins on 1:00
1 x 200 easy
8 x 100 fly kick on our backs (hands down) with fins on 2:00 (coming in under 1:30)
12 x 75 (4 x free-fly-free, 4 x fly-free-fly, 4 x free-fly-free) with fins on 1:30
1 x 200 easy

1 x 25 underwater without fins


It started off as a smaller group tonight, but we still had a lot of fun. We didn’t work on butterfly until the end of practice, but I’m guessing we’ll get back to stroke technique next Tuesday. In the mean-time, coach Durant has sent out instructions for our extra workout this week. I’m going to try to get it done on Saturday.

I was pretty happy with my initial 800. I started in the same lane as Chelsea and somehow wound up smoking her. I had her go first, because I was pretty sure she would beat me swimming distance freestyle, but I was wrong. I wound up passing her a few times before the end. That was really fun. Later she got me moved over into the fast kicking lane on our 3 x 150s. We really have a good group of people at practice.

Warm-Up (1400):
1 x 800 free @ 12:00 (1:30/100 pace)
3 x 200 kick with fins @ 2:30

Main Set (1600):
3 x 150 kick with fins @ 1:30
4 x 25 drill @ 0:30
10 x 50 animal kicking @ 1:20
3 x 150 pulling @ 10 seconds rest
1 x 100 easy

Fly stroke technique work in the shallow end

Dolphin in training

For some reason, I had started thinking that this month of fly training would really stress my shoulders. I had been noticing my shoulders being the most sore part on my body and even twitching from time to time after swimming fly in our previous workouts. I blame that line of thinking for convincing me it would be cool to start riding our bikes yesterday. Today was almost entirely a legs day. So much for my previous line of thought.

We had a new guy start tonight. I think he said his name was Rich, but I wasn’t paying all that much attention. I also noticed that Jeff didn’t show up… something about skiing all day. Chelsea wasn’t there either. I thought Mark was going to show up. He didn’t, but it was still a pretty good sized group.

10 x 75 free on 1:30
12 x 25 free drill / building
1 x 125 easy
1 minute ‘body-fly’ (arms across chest, doing vertical dolphin kick)

Main Set:
2 x 200 dolphin kick on 3:00 – on our backs, with fins, streamline
3 x 150 dolphin kick on 2:10 – on our backs, with fins, streamline
6 x 50 dolphin kick on 1:00 – on our backs, no fins, hands down
6 x 25 dolphin kick on 1:00 – underwater, no fins, streamline
8 minutes body-dolphin (i almost lost it)

1 x 125 easy
4 x power turn
1 x 125 easy