Rough Night

I wasn’t feeling too well today… a bit dizzy for some reason, but I decided to go swimming anyway, because I usually feel better afterwards. Tonight was no exception. I felt better after swimming, but I certainly didn’t feel great during the workout. It was pretty rough.

Warm-Up (1600):
12 x 100 Free on 1:45 using 6-beat kick
16 x 25 Free on 0:30 using 6-beat kick

Main Set (2300):
5 x 400 Free on 7:00
1 x 200 Backstroke Easy
4 x Power Turns

Short ride around Alpine

It’s been raining a lot. It rained so much today that we had to put our boots on and do some digging in our backyard to move a large puddle away from one of our window wells. It was tough, but doesn’t help anyone prepare for a big cycling competition in June… so we put on our biking stuff and took a quick ride around Alpine just before the sun set.

It was an easy ride, for sure. The terrain is mostly flat, and we were doing a lot more exploring than really riding. But there were a few good hills, including one at the end, when we rode up Oak Road West. I was happy to never get off my bike. In fact, for the most part, I stayed on my big front ring. I did shift down a couple times on hills, but that was it.

In the end we went 16 miles, with an average speed of 13 mph and a top speed of 38 mph (I pushed pretty hard on the slight decline between Alpine and the Walmart in Cedar Hills).

Dryland Training

First let me say that we rode our trainers Monday for about 45 minutes. Then Charmaine got me to agree to do a short ride Tuesday with a local group that calls themselves the boat-dock bandits.

We started the ride at the furthest north west parking lot at UVU. The ride would take us out along the shores of Utah Lake and up to the American Fork boat dock. The group gets its name from upsetting the old man that works the boat dock entrance gate (and always wants to charge the riders or prevent them from turning around inside the parking area).

The short ride turned out to be 22 miles in some pretty serious wind. At one point we couldn’t see more than about 10 feet in front of us because of the dust storm we were riding through. Luckily, the ride was extremely flat and the wind was at our backs the whole way back (we were going more than 30 mph with the wind’s help).

Unfortunately for us, we got back to the car without enough time to go home and get changed for swimming. We did our best, but still arrived a few minutes late.

As it turned out, that huge wind storm we were riding through was enough to close the pool. It’s technically an outdoor pool, even though it has a bubble over it. In severe wind storms, they close the pool to prevent anyone from drowning in the unlikely event that the wind causes the bubble to collapse. So, instead of swimming, or reviewing our videos from last week, we got to do dryland training! By the end, I had to struggle just to stand up so I could drive home. It was fairly embarrassing.

Biking Frenzy

Charmaine must be a little crazy. She signed up for Little Red Riding Hood this year. That means riding 100 miles on a Saturday in June, which doesn’t give her much time to prepare. I’m sure she’ll do fine, but it’s going to be tough for me to keep up with her as she trains.

On Friday she rode up Provo Canyon in the morning with her good friend Kristen. She invited me to come along, but I wasn’t feeling up to riding through the snow. They had done the same ride not long ago and had to turn back when the snow got too deep (it’s been a crazy spring here in Utah). This time they didn’t run into any snow and had a great ride. I was starting to wish I had gone with them until Charmaine suggested a second ride that day… up American Fork Canyon. I agreed to go, and it turned out to be a lot tougher for me than I had anticipated. I was pretty burned out by the time we got to the Timpanogos Cave parking lot, so I had us turn around. We rode down the canyon and out past the Timpanogos Temple, then back home. I think we figured it was about 13 miles, which was in addition to the 20 miles Charmaine had done earlier in the day. Did I mention she might be a little crazy? :-)

Then Saturday came. My legs were not as bad I had expected, so we rode our trainers for about 45 minutes while watching an episode of Bones. I’m paying for that decision today. My hamstrings are pretty sore… and I know there’s going to be more riding to do tomorrow. I hope the snow stops falling so we can ride outside again. I think I do better outside than on the trainer.

Video Night

Tonight we were able to video ourselves swimming. Kulani brought his underwater camera and Dave filmed each of us from a couple angles. We should be able to watch the video and get critiqued next week.

At the end of the night we played a new game called Pirates Attack. Each person has a noodle that they need to get to the other side of the pool. The problem is that there is another team coming from the other side headed toward your side… and each team needs to steal noodles and/or people and bring them to the wall. I didn’t do very well. I was ganged up on and captured every round. But it was still a lot of fun (and my arms are sore).

Warm-Up (1800):
1 x 500 Free
1 x 400 Kick
1 x 300 Pull
1 x 200 Free/Back
1 x 100 Back
1 x 300 Free easy

Waiting Set (600):
6 x 100 Free on 2:00 (25 Free, 50 Drill, 25 Free)

Video Time (50):
2 x 25 Free Sprint

Pirates Attack!

Back in action

We took a couple weeks off for various reasons, including a trip to San Diego, but we were back in the pool again tonight… and it was tough.

Warm-Up (1500):
1 x 500 Free
1 x 400 Kick
1 x 300 Pull
1 x 200 Free/Back
1 x 100 Back

Drill Set (1600):
32 x 50 Free Drill on 1:00
  ( 4 x 6-Kick Switch, 4 x Stretch-Up,
    4 x Russian Free, 4 x One-arm Free,
    4 x 6-Kick Switch, 4 x Stretch-Up,
    4 x Russian Free, 4 x One-arm Free )

Relays (150):
2 x 25 Free Sprint
1 x 25 Underwater kick
1 x 25 Free Sprint
1 x 50 Easy

More Kicking

This month we’re working on Freestyle. At least that’s what we’ve been told. So far it just seems like we’re doing a lot of kicking. We had 17 again tonight, so that meant 5 people in my lane. I had a good time with Paul, Gordon, Chelsea, and Andrea.

Warm-Up (1250):
1 x 400 Free
1 x 200 Kick
1 x 200 Pull
6 x 75 Free on 1:10 (2 white, 2 pink, 2 red)

Drill (450):
8 x 25 Drill on 0:30 (both arms to your side, kicking on one side at a time)
1 x 100 Drill (same as above)
4 x 25 Drill on 0:30 (one arm in front, kicking on your side)
2 x 25 Drill (same as above)

Banjo Kazooie (1650):
1 x 25 Kick fast on 0:40
1 x 25 Kick easy on 0:40
2 x 25 Kick fast on 0:40
1 x 25 Kick easy on 0:40
3 x 25 Kick fast on 0:40
1 x 25 Kick easy on 0:40
4 x 25 Kick fast on 0:40
1 x 25 Kick easy on 0:40
5 x 25 Kick fast on 0:40
1 x 25 Kick easy on 0:40
6 x 25 Kick fast on 0:40
1 x 25 Kick easy on 0:40
7 x 25 Kick fast on 0:40
1 x 25 Kick easy on 0:40
8 x 25 Kick fast on 0:40
1 x 25 Kick easy on 0:40
9 x 25 Kick fast on 0:40
1 x 25 Kick easy on 0:40
10 x 25 Kick fast on 0:40
1 x 25 Kick easy on 0:40

Warm-Down (100):
1 x 100 easy

Getting Stronger?

I just got off the trainer again. We seem to have a pretty good system going. Ride the trainer Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Swim Tuesday and Thursday. So today is Monday and I’m either getting stronger from all the riding, or I’m just well rested from a couple days off over the weekend. Either way, I had a good ride tonight. I stayed on the small half of my rear cassette most the ride. I even hit the bottom several times. I’m not going to jump to my big ring on the front until I’m hitting the bottom regularly, and I think that’s a real possibility over the next few weeks.

Tonight we watched an episode of Star Trek Enterprise. It’s not as exciting to ride to as some of the other show we have. It’s sort of slow. I guess I never realised that while watching it from the bean bag, but it’s painfully (no pun intended) obvious while riding the bike.

Big Kick Day

We’re really starting to be a huge group. We had 17 people there tonight and we counted at least 5 missing. We’re so big that our coach has started to bring in an assistant coach to help out with practices. I hope we continue to grow; that’s what makes it fun.

I had a hard time getting my lungs going tonight. I was having a really hard time breathing during the warm-up and almost convinced myself to get out and sit in the hot tub. But after the 6 x 75 Free/Back, I started to feel better. By the end of the 6 x 100 Free on 1:45, I was feeling pretty good. Then the kicking sets just about killed me, but I’m sure they made me stronger.

Warm-Up (850):
1 x 400 Free
6 x 75 Free/Back on 0:10 rest
6 x 100 Free on 1:45 (2 white, 2 pink, 2 white)

Kick Set (1400):
8 x 100 Dolphin Kick on 2:00 on our backs with fins
8 x 50 Backstroke Kick on 1:00 with fins
8 x 25 Free Kick on 0:40 race pace without fins

Warm-Down (150):
1 x 150 Easy

More Trainer Time

We rode our bikes Saturday as part of the Icebreaker Triathlon. Sunday we rested. Monday we rode our trainers for about 40 minutes while watching an episode of Battlestar Galactica. Tuesday was swimming, so we didn’t ride, but we got back on to ride again tonight. That means we’re riding every other day now. This may be the recipe for success.

Tonight’s ride was while watching an episode of Bones. I started warming up before the episode actually started, and continued through the whole thing. I didn’t stop until the credits were done rolling. But the best part was how great it felt afterwards. I think I may really start liking this sport. I just hope more riding translates into better bike times eventually.

One thing I did tonight that I don’t usually do is switch resistance an cadence for a specified amount of time. Tonight I decided I’d switch up to my big crank from the opening credits until the first commercial break. That turned out to be really hard, but it made riding on my smaller crank not so bad after that. I also switched up to a high gear near the end of the show so I could “finish strong”. It made it a lot of fun, and I think I got a lot out of it.