Biking Frenzy

Charmaine must be a little crazy. She signed up for Little Red Riding Hood this year. That means riding 100 miles on a Saturday in June, which doesn’t give her much time to prepare. I’m sure she’ll do fine, but it’s going to be tough for me to keep up with her as she trains.

On Friday she rode up Provo Canyon in the morning with her good friend Kristen. She invited me to come along, but I wasn’t feeling up to riding through the snow. They had done the same ride not long ago and had to turn back when the snow got too deep (it’s been a crazy spring here in Utah). This time they didn’t run into any snow and had a great ride. I was starting to wish I had gone with them until Charmaine suggested a second ride that day… up American Fork Canyon. I agreed to go, and it turned out to be a lot tougher for me than I had anticipated. I was pretty burned out by the time we got to the Timpanogos Cave parking lot, so I had us turn around. We rode down the canyon and out past the Timpanogos Temple, then back home. I think we figured it was about 13 miles, which was in addition to the 20 miles Charmaine had done earlier in the day. Did I mention she might be a little crazy? :-)

Then Saturday came. My legs were not as bad I had expected, so we rode our trainers for about 45 minutes while watching an episode of Bones. I’m paying for that decision today. My hamstrings are pretty sore… and I know there’s going to be more riding to do tomorrow. I hope the snow stops falling so we can ride outside again. I think I do better outside than on the trainer.

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