A short walk and a short bike

Normally, today would have been a longer run, but it didn’t turn out that way. It was super windy outside, so I decided I would run my 5 miles on the treadmill. I didn’t even make it through the first mile before my legs were hurting so much that I gave in and walked. I crossed the first mile around 9 minutes, but I didn’t run again. I just walked 2 miles after that and called it good. I wasn’t happy with the results, but I figured I should give my legs some time to recover. I skipped my jumping jacks before running and I wonder if that had anything to do with it. I doubt it.

Less than an hour later, Charmaine came home and we went for a bike ride. The wind wasn’t quite as strong, but it still made for a few pushes through a nice headwind. Surprisingly, I felt really strong. Clearly I’m using a different set of muscles to ride than I do to run.

We rode our usual loop up past the camels to the top of Alpine and then back down and across on Westfield Road. I was somewhat ahead of Charmaine when I reached the turn to go up Suncrest, so I started heading up. I figured I would turn around before the switchbacks started and still beat her to the turn-off. I was wrong. She reached the turn and headed up before I got back. I waved at her, then called her on her phone, to make sure she knew I had turned back. She knew. She was determined to go up as far as I had gone before turning around.

The ride home wasn’t too bad until we got to the hill on Canyon Rd. That’s always a fun hill to climb, but today the strong headwind made it a little more fun than usual. Still, we each focused on keeping our slowest speed higher than normal and we didn’t take too long getting to the top.


Push-ups: 70
Time to mile 1: 09:15
Time to mile 3: 39:19

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