A good run

I have been using the Daily Plate over at LiveStrong.com to track my eating and exercise habits for the last month or so. It’s really great for tracking food intake, but it’s pretty terrible at tracking exercise. At least it hasn’t been easy for me to track and view reports on the things I do. It’s fine for tracking time spent doing something, but not very good at tracking things like weights, reps, etc. Even tracking distances running or biking isn’t great.

I’m starting to make some progress with my running and I don’t want to forget that I have improved. Two weeks ago I was lucky to finish my 3.1 mile loop under 40 minutes. Last week I finished under 37 minutes twice (36:15 and 36:20).

Today I finished it in 34:54.

That isn’t just my best time for the loop, I also had what I would consider a really good run. I only switched from running to walking 3 times, for a total of about 2 minutes spent walking instead of running. But more importantly, I felt good almost the entire time I was running. My legs never hurt during the run and they don’t feel sore after running. I kept catching myself enjoying the run. It still seems strange, but I’ll take it.

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