A comedy of errors

I ran with Murphy today. He was there from the moment I decided I was really going to venture out into the icy cold rain and howling wind. He made sure I followed his law.

My iPhone GPS was acting up again. I did my best to get it to come to an understanding of where I really was, but if you look at the map on RunKeeper, you’ll see that it got very lost along the way. I’m not really sure how it can get so confused so often. I’m hoping it has something to do with interference from the rain, but I’m not very impressed with it to say the least.

My drawstring broke. My shorts dropped. I fell to the ground. My phone buzzed with text message after text message until I thought someone was desperately trying to get in touch with me. I accidentally paused RunKeeper for a few seconds trying to figure out who was texting me so much. It turned out to be text spam. I hate text spam. I did figure out how to resume RunKeeper, but it wasn’t pretty.


When I used to complain about the weather in high school, my swim coach would say something like, “It’s sunny somewhere else right now, where your competition is training. You may choose not to train today, but when you meet him, he will beat you.” That’s why I decided to run today, and that’s why I kept deciding to keep running each time I wanted to call it quits today.

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