Lost my first water bottle

I have started riding my bike to work once a week. It’s only 10 miles and it’s mostly down hill, so it’s not a tough ride at all. The ride home is considerably tougher, since it’s mostly up hill and it’s much much warmer. It was about 65 degrees when I headed to work this morning, but it will be close to 90 when I head home.

I don’t need a water bottle on my way to work. I always need one on my ride home. Today I won’t have one. I was flying down Canyon Road through Pleasant Grove this morning when I hit a really rough patch of road. It’s not uncommon to hit really rough roads in Pleasant Grove. They seem to go out of their way to make their roads rough. Unfortunately for me, I hit this rough patch as the road went around a corner near 2600 North. The combination of my speed through the corner and the extraordinarily rough road nearly bounced me off my bike.

Just as I was congratulating myself for staying on, I heard my water bottle bounce across the road and into the weeds. I thought briefly about circling back to get it, but decided against it, because I was already a little late for work. Now I’ll have to figure out how to get some liquid on my bike for the ride home. My current thought is to pack my water bottle holders with cans of Mountain Dew. That sounds like a decent plan.

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