New Shoes

I’ve been avoiding running because I didn’t have new shoes, while at the same time avoiding buying new shoes because I didn’t seem to run anymore. Obviously, I set that situation up so that I could continue doing nothing, but I finally got up the nerve to break the cycle and ordered some new shoes. Brooks doesn’t make the Ravenna 3 anymore, so I ordered the same size in a Ravenna 5. They arrived on Friday and I spent some time trying to figure out the best way to lace them up in a fashion similar to how my old shoes are laced.

They don’t tell you this when you start into running, but you don’t lace up your running shoes the way you have been taught to lace up shoes all your life. Oh no. You have to do some fancy maneuvers so that when you pull your laces to tie your shoes it doesn’t mess everything up down the line. I don’t fully understand it, but I think it has to do with buying shoes that are bigger than your feet when you’re not running… then tightening up the top so your feet don’t slide around too much while you’re getting going. Eventually enough blood goes down to your feet that they expand and fill your shoes. So I had to work out how to lace them up. I had hoped to just copy what I had setup on my old shoes, but the new pair has an extra set of holes… my whole system was off. The first few times I didn’t even have enough lace left to tie anything.

I did eventually figure something out and then I got to try them out this morning. Yes, I said morning. It’s nice and cool in the mornings here, so it’s the perfect time to run. I headed out a little before 8. I guess that’s later than most people start running around here. I didn’t see any bikes or runners the whole time. I doubt I’ll ever get up much earlier than that, but you never know.

I’m not used to running in the morning. I don’t know if I should eat anything or drink anything before I go out there. I decided pretty quickly that I should have had something to drink. Just a few hundred yards into the “run” and I was completely dried out. My legs were also wasted by then. Needless to say, I’m totally out of shape already. So I walked a bit and jogged a bit as I worked my way in and out of residential streets in my neighborhood. I have no idea where most of them go, but they were nice and quiet.

I eventually made it back home. My legs are jello. I think I need a day or two to recover. But at least I got out there and the best part… my achilles isn’t in pain. It’s a little tight, but I think that’s to be expected. But no pain. W00t.

(no link to activity details, because no longer shows anything to non-members… very dickish)

The one where I got lost

I’ve been working in Campbell, CA for the past few months. I started towards the end of March. Until yesterday, I hadn’t been on my bike at all since moving here. I don’t currently own running shoes. It’s pretty pathetic. I’ve gone “walking” a few times, but it’s really pathetic. I have used my achilles pain as an excuse to either not start an activity, or to cut it drastically short. Yesterday I walked all the way home from work and I didn’t die. I didn’t even feel any pain. I think the excuses are over… at least the ones related to that. :-)

Charmaine had a grand vision of us riding over the mountains to Santa Cruz and back. I decided I was on board. I didn’t believe I could make it, at least not without taking all day, but I was on board anyway. Luckily for me, we couldn’t find my gloves. I normally have 3 pair of gloves: My favorite pair (gel vent), my backup pair (gel), and my full fingered winter-in-utah pair. Today we could only find one glove from my backup pair. That’s not enough to ride. So we ordered some new gel vent gloves on Amazon. Then we found a second glove, but we had missed the morning ride window, so we decided to do a shorter (more sane) ride in the evening.

San Jose has really interesting weather. It’s usually nice and cool all morning till ten or eleven. Then it heats up like crazy, shooting up almost 50 degrees. Then it drops back down to nice and cool even faster than it warmed up. By 5:00 it’s usually back under 80 and by dark it’s 60 or less. It’s been over 100 at the peak on some of the hot days, but we haven’t had to run our air conditioner yet, because it doesn’t stay hot outside long enough to heat up the house.

So we went riding tonight. Charmaine has been doing a bit of riding around town without me (since I’ve been milking my fake excuses), so she knows all the roads and paths and everything. I was following her until the turn off to the 17 path. I totally missed it, then we got separated while I tried to find my way back. Then I went north while she went south, etc. It was a proud series of actions on my part.

But we finally got back together, rode the trail south, then got on the nice road up through the foothills of Saratoga, then took Saratoga down to Cambpell, then came back home. It was a great ride, but it was about all my poor butt could handle. Let’s just say I’m not used to sitting in the saddle anymore. I guess I need more practice.

No more excuses

I haven’t been running since I hurt my achilles way back in November of 2013. I haven’t really even been walking. I have been on my bike once or twice, but I’ve mostly been sitting around making up excuses to stay sitting around.

That all changed this week when I finally stopped giving in to the excuses and walked the whole 2 miles from work back home. I had Charmaine drop me off in the morning so I wouldn’t have any way home other than walking. It was still about 85 degrees outside when I started walking, but there was a nice breeze and a lot of shade. If I hadn’t had to wait for two lights right at the end, I would have averaged under 15:00/mile… and that was carrying my computer, noise canceling headphones, and a few books in my backpack.

Charmaine says we may ride our bikes to Santa Cruz tomorrow. That would be about 60 miles round trip. I’m not sure I’m up for that, but we’ll see what happens.

This is where I would normally link to my activity on Runkeeper, but they are being dicks these days and don’t show activities to non-members, so I no longer link to them. In fact, maybe it’s time to switch back to Strava for tracking my runs. Actually, I’m a little pissed at Strava right now too. The latest update to their Android app requires you allow the app to read your phone number and all the calls you make. I refuse to allow that. I’m not sure what the solution is yet. I’ll probably end up with a GPS watch or something and just upload the raw data to something.