All morning I told myself I needed a rest day. I didn’t need to run today. I needed some time to let my legs recover from the big ride last weekend. My terrible performance in the pool yesterday was proof that I wasn’t fully recovered yet. My normal run time came and went. It was going to be a rest day! But then something snapped inside my head and I knew I was going to run.
The run started off poorly. I felt wasted. I was hitting every light red, even lights that just go into driveways that I’ve never hit red before. I was sweating profusely even though it was nice and cool outside with decent cloud cover. I hadn’t been running even five minutes and I was already walking. I would find out later that my heart rate wasn’t very high either. I was just struggling mentally. It was pathetic. I told myself it was fine, because even walking was good for me. I would allow myself to walk the 10k, but I wasn’t going to cut any distance.
I tried to run a few times, but fell back into walking a lot of the first 5k. After the turn-around I was actually feeling pretty good, and I wound up jogging most of the way back. I did walk a few short periods up the big hill. I continued to hit every light red, which frustrated me enough that I ran a few of them where there were no cars.
I’m not happy with my performance overall, but I’m not too upset about the second half. I’m happy that I forced myself to go out and do the whole thing. That’s the best part about today’s “run”.