Shoulders 20070308

Joey did Back and Biceps with his wife yesterday while I swam, so he wanted to do shoulders today. We didn’t do a lot of sets, but we pushed ourselves pretty well. Then we ran a mile. I think we’re going to try to run at least a mile after we lift each day. We’ll see how that goes.


Military Press:
135/12 155/10 155/8

Dumbbell Press:
50/12 60/10 70/8

1.0 mile in 9:40

Another Morning Swim 20070308

Yesterday was Charmaine’s birthday. I left work “early” so we could to dinner at Bambara. It was really good. Then I had to work some more, but I want to get in the habit of swimming in the morning, so I go up and went. It was even more pathetic than the swim yesterday. The soreness in my arms and chest is starting to subside, but my legs hurt so badly that I have a hard time getting in and out of the car. Doing flipturns was a joke, and I couldn’t push myself off the wall worth anything. It was sad. But I am still happy that I forced myself to go.

200 Free
100 Kick
5 x 100 Free
200 Kick
1000 yards

Afternoon Swim 20070307

I think I was too sore to do anything other than swim today, and it was a pretty pathetic attempt. Joey came by to see if I was going to the gym and I said no, but then I felt bad and went anyway. In the mean-time, Lyndsey had picked him up and they were working out when I got to the gym.

150 Free
150 Kick
200 Free
5 x 100 Free @ 2:30
200 Free
1200 yards

Legs 20070306

I’m not sure how smart it was to push so hard today, but it was fun. Lyndsey did a leg workout with us, which gave us a little bit of extra time to rest between sets, but we still managed to destroy ourselves.

225/12 275/10 275/8

Leg Press:
580/12 670/10 760/8

Standing Calf Raise:
395/12 395/10 395/8

2.0 miles – 24:00

Morning Swim 20070306

I did something today that I haven’t done in a long time. I got up and swam before work. It was nice. The sun is coming up early enough now that the drive in to the gym wasn’t bad.

300 Free warm-up
300 Kick
3 x 100 Free @ 2:05
2 x 100 Kick
2 x 100 Free
2 x 100 Kick
2 x 100 Free
150 Free warm-down
1850 yards

Away Too Long 20070305

I knew it had been a while since I hit the gym, but I didn’t realize exactly *how* long it had been. I guess it’s not too surprising that I lost as much strength as I did.

Weight: 247.0

Flat Bench:
225/12 245/8* 245/5(+1)
* Joey was spotting me and had his hands on the bar way too much. After I pushed up #8 (which was getting really difficult) he pulled the bar in and said, “you’re done, I’m not lifting 50 pounds another rep.” The worst part is that I had no idea he was even helping; I have no idea how many reps he was helping; and I have no idea how I would have done otherwise. Lesson Learned: NEVER let your spotter touch the bar until you ask for it.

Incline Bench:
185/12 205/8(+2) 215/6

Incline Fly:
60/12 70/10 80/8

Bar Dip:
6 7