This post is going to be very random, but hopefully I’ll get at least a small blurb about a bunch of different things out here.
I have a bunch of drafts that I haven’t posted. Somehow I slipped back into that mode where I want all my posts to have something special… maybe something funny, or a story worth reading, etc. Of course, that’s what caused them all to wind up as un-published drafts. The longer they sat there in the drafts folder, the harder it became to remember the story or funny item completely. Which made it less and less likely that each draft would end up getting published here.
I have been swimming and working out. I just haven’t been recording it very well.
In truth, I haven’t been swimming or working out as much, but I have been doing it. I took it easy the first week of December, knowing that I was heading off on vacation the next week. I spent the next week playing pretty hard in Costa Rica. The week after that wasn’t a good one for swimming or lifting, and then Christmas hit. I was really sick most of the week between Christmas and New Years, but I’ve been pretty good about swimming and working out ever since then. Hopefully I’ll start keeping track of it again.
We’ve switched up our workout routine. Instead of doing a 12-10-8 pyramid, we’re now doing 20-10-5. It’s very different. I’m not sure I’ve figured out how heavy to go on the new routine just yet, but maybe that’s a good thing. I find I’m hurting a lot more for a lot longer after the workouts. That may be partially due to the slacking I did in December, but I think it’s also caused by the new routine.
Joe went back to his previous employer in American Fork, so he probably won’t be working out with us anymore. Travis seems to have decided to workout everyday, and Joey is coming more often than not. So I think we’ll be able to maintain the routine without Joe, but I’m not sure anyone will push me as hard as he did. I’m not sure I trust anyone enough to spot me if I push myself to complete failure, which means I probably won’t push that hard for a while. It will be interesting.
Charmaine picked up a yoga DVD for Christmas, so I’ll probably wind up trying that out one of these days as well. That probably doesn’t mean as much to you, since you never saw the post about the yoga class I went to with Joey and Lindsey. Long story short, it was very hard, made me sweat more than anything else I’ve ever done, but I really enjoyed it.
The traffic at the gym has picked up since New Years, of course. The interesting thing to me is that the vast majority of the “resolutioners” are fairly fat, fairly old people. The aqua cow ranks haven’t been this full ever, as far as I know. It’s really quite disgusting. The nice part about it is that the weight room hasn’t been hit very hard. I can still get my routines done without having to wait for benches or weights. There has been a lot more traffic in the pool at lunch, though. I’ve had questions from a few of them on flip-turn technique. I don’t really know how to teach flip-turns, so the people that have asked have probably been disappointed. Oh well.
Now that I’ve finally written something again, I think I’ll head over to the gym and take a spin around the pool.