Legs 20070123

I wasn’t looking forward to it, but somehow we ended up going to the gym on legs day. I had an important meeting scheduled for 1:30, so we wrapped things up quickly.

Weight: 248.6

225/20 275/10 315/5

Leg Press:
580/20 670/10 760/5

Standing Calf Raise:
395/20 395/20 395/16

Hamstring Curl:

Leg Extension:

Lightning Chest Workout 20070122

Things kept piling up that had to be done before lunch. Eventually it was 12:30 and I couldn’t stand it anymore. Travis and I talked Joey into coming, but only if it was a “lightning quick” workout. We all wanted to be back by 1:30.

Weight: 246.0

Flat Bench:
185/19(+1) 225/8(+2) 245/3(+1)

Incline Bench:
135/20 185/9(+1) 225/3(+1)

Incline Fly:

Including drive time, changing time, and shower time, we barely made it back by 1:30.

Swimming with Whales 20070118

Instead of going to the gym during lunch, a bunch of us piled in my car and headed to Betos in American Fork to meet up with Joe. He seems to be enjoying his new job. Of course, going to lunch isn’t the same as going to the gym, so I decided to swim after work.

I had forgotten that the whales do their water aerobics on Tuesday and Thursday nights. I had also forgotten just how many whales show up after the beginning of the new year. I think they set a record tonight. There were about 30 whales dancing in the pool when I arrived at 7:30. Trying to swim through their waves was very much like swimming in the ocean… except instead of salt water I had to put up with perfume, deodorant, and hair-spray water. I would choose salt water any day.

300 Free Warm-Up
8 x 100 Free @ 2:05 (coming in between 1:15 and 1:20)
100 Free easy
6 x 50 Kick @ 1:30 (coming in @ 1:00)
100 Free Warm-Down
1750 Yards

Swim 20070117

In a futile attempt to work some of the acid out of my legs and chest, I decided to swim today. If it works, I’ll probably do this every Wednesday from now on.

500 Free Warm-Up
10 x 100 Free @ 2:05 (coming in @1:15)
5 x 50 Kick (the clock died again so I couldn’t get my times)
100 Free Warm-Down
1850 Yards

I’m getting sick of all the broken things at Gold’s Gym. I keep toying with the idea of documenting them on a blog somewhere. Here’s a quick list of the things that upset me today:

1- The pool clock stopped working again
2- Everything is so dirty that it’s really disgusting
3- The drain in the shower doesn’t fit the hole anymore and has sunken in, causing anyone that steps on it to cut their foot
4- They don’t have enough lockers (ok, this is a design thing, not a maintenance thing)
5- The swimsuit spinner is broken again

I want to bring my camera to document all of it, but cameras are restricted in certain areas, such as the locker room, for obvious reasons. Those areas seem to be in the worst shape and the dirtiest. Coincidence? I doubt it.

Legs 20070116

I was half-way through convincing myself that I should swim or not even go to the gym today when Kyle asked if I was going and what I was doing. When I said it was a legs day, his reaction told me I wasn’t getting out of it.

Kyle ended up heading to the gym before I grabbed Travis to go over there. We signed up with ADP to do our payroll and yesterday was payday. ADP does one thing, payroll. Unfortunately for them and everyone that uses them, they don’t do that one thing very well. ADP can’t figure out how to do a direct deposit in under a month. They think they need a full 6 weeks before they can directly deposit our checks into our bank accounts, so we’re stuck with paper checks for at least a month. Yesterday the first batch of paper checks arrived. The entire stack had to be tossed out, because they had messed up everyone’s 401(k) contributions. They responded by sending out a new batch of paper checks today. Once again, they messed up many of the checks, including mine. I was presented with a check for less than I’ve made in a long time, which meant that my tax withholding and 401(k) contributions were also messed up. It took about 20 minutes of discussion with our office manager to figure out the right solution (make ADP cut me a third check, hoping they can pull their head out and do it right this time). That made me about 15 minutes late leaving for the gym.

I didn’t see Joey at work today, so I figured he was still sick. We saw Lindsey at the gym and she said their whole family is sick. That doesn’t sound very fun. She said their baby is the sickest of them all and has been throwing up multiple times every day. After today’s workout, I was a few seconds from throwing up. Luckily, I made it out the door and into the 15 degree weather in time to cool off enough to keep my breakfast down.

Weight: 247.0

225/20 275/10 315/3(+1)

Leg Press:
580/20 670/10 760/8

Standing Calf Raise:
395/20 395/20 395/20

Hamstring Curl:
110/20 140/10 170/5

Leg Extension:
140/20 170/10 200/8

Seated Calf Raise:
315/5 225/10

Chest 20070115

Joey was working from home today, but I told him that was no excuse to skip the gym. I CCed Travis on the mail I sent him. Travis got a good laugh out of it. Needless to say, Joey didn’t show up at the gym. But Kyle did. He did shoulders while Travis and I did chest.

Weight: 246.8

Flat Bench:
185/20 225/8(+2) 245/5

Incline Bench:
135/20 185/10 205/5

Incline Dumbbell Fly:
50/20 70/10 80/5

Bar Dips:
4 6 6

Incline Sit-up:
20 20

Slacking Off

This post is going to be very random, but hopefully I’ll get at least a small blurb about a bunch of different things out here.

I have a bunch of drafts that I haven’t posted. Somehow I slipped back into that mode where I want all my posts to have something special… maybe something funny, or a story worth reading, etc. Of course, that’s what caused them all to wind up as un-published drafts. The longer they sat there in the drafts folder, the harder it became to remember the story or funny item completely. Which made it less and less likely that each draft would end up getting published here.

I have been swimming and working out. I just haven’t been recording it very well.

In truth, I haven’t been swimming or working out as much, but I have been doing it. I took it easy the first week of December, knowing that I was heading off on vacation the next week. I spent the next week playing pretty hard in Costa Rica. The week after that wasn’t a good one for swimming or lifting, and then Christmas hit. I was really sick most of the week between Christmas and New Years, but I’ve been pretty good about swimming and working out ever since then. Hopefully I’ll start keeping track of it again.

We’ve switched up our workout routine. Instead of doing a 12-10-8 pyramid, we’re now doing 20-10-5. It’s very different. I’m not sure I’ve figured out how heavy to go on the new routine just yet, but maybe that’s a good thing. I find I’m hurting a lot more for a lot longer after the workouts. That may be partially due to the slacking I did in December, but I think it’s also caused by the new routine.

Joe went back to his previous employer in American Fork, so he probably won’t be working out with us anymore. Travis seems to have decided to workout everyday, and Joey is coming more often than not. So I think we’ll be able to maintain the routine without Joe, but I’m not sure anyone will push me as hard as he did. I’m not sure I trust anyone enough to spot me if I push myself to complete failure, which means I probably won’t push that hard for a while. It will be interesting.

Charmaine picked up a yoga DVD for Christmas, so I’ll probably wind up trying that out one of these days as well. That probably doesn’t mean as much to you, since you never saw the post about the yoga class I went to with Joey and Lindsey. Long story short, it was very hard, made me sweat more than anything else I’ve ever done, but I really enjoyed it.

The traffic at the gym has picked up since New Years, of course. The interesting thing to me is that the vast majority of the “resolutioners” are fairly fat, fairly old people. The aqua cow ranks haven’t been this full ever, as far as I know. It’s really quite disgusting. The nice part about it is that the weight room hasn’t been hit very hard. I can still get my routines done without having to wait for benches or weights. There has been a lot more traffic in the pool at lunch, though. I’ve had questions from a few of them on flip-turn technique. I don’t really know how to teach flip-turns, so the people that have asked have probably been disappointed. Oh well.

Now that I’ve finally written something again, I think I’ll head over to the gym and take a spin around the pool.