I must have pushed really hard tonight, because I’m having a really hard time remembering what we did. I know there was a lot of fly and a lot of fly kicking, but I’m struggling to pull it out of my head right now. I think I’m pretty close, but feel free to correct me.

Coach Durant made me and Jeff do full-stroke fly when others were doing fly drill. He even made sure I didn’t breathe every stroke. It was tough.

At the end of practice he challenged the whole team to swim a 25 underwater without fins for donuts. He then added that if I could swim a 62.5 under water without fins, that he’d bring chocolate milk and donuts on Thursday. I checked my pulse. 120. I knew I wouldn’t make it, but at least I made the 25. Everyone else made the 25 as well, and some guys made it another half length, which convinced Coach Durant to bring chocolate milk anyway (even though I didn’t make my 2.5 lengths underwater). I guess I should practice that sometime.

Warm-Up (800):
300 Streamline Freestyle kicking on our sides
2 x 50 one-arm fly
16 x 25 (3 x free, free, fly; 1 x free) with fins on 0:40

Main Set (2100):
10 x 50 fly kick 360 (left-side, stomach, right-side, back, repeat) with fins on 1:00
1 x 200 easy
8 x 100 fly kick on our backs (hands down) with fins on 2:00 (coming in under 1:30)
12 x 75 (4 x free-fly-free, 4 x fly-free-fly, 4 x free-fly-free) with fins on 1:30
1 x 200 easy

1 x 25 underwater without fins

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