
Tonight we learned how to race. Go out hard, bring it back a little easier, build with the legs, and then bring it home. When you break down a 200, for example, the first 50 should be the fastest; the second 50 should be the least fast (but not slow); you need to really build with the legs on the third 50, or you’ll lose the race; and you give everything you have left on the last 50.

It was the smallest group we’ve had since I’ve been going. There were just 6 of us. I was, once again, in the Ave Grinder lane. Jeff was with me. He did really well for the first half of the workout, but then trailed off at the end. In the next lane were Wade and Charmaine, who did the big set with fins… and the final lane were Sabrina and Andrea. I think we all pushed pretty hard tonight. I managed to stay ahead of Sabrina every time, but Wade was killing me with his fins.

Warm-Up (1300):
400 Free
200 Back
4 x 50 Fly drill on 10 seconds rest (1 left, 1 full, 1 right, 1 full)
10 x 50 kick on 0:50 with fins (50 free, 50 choice)

Main Set (1900):
4 x (

4 x 50 Free on 1:00 (1-4-3-2)
1 x 200 Free on 3:00 (1-4-3-2)

4 x 75 drill (50 swim, 25 sculling)

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