Tag Archives: harvest

Week 14

This was a week of amazing progress. We pulled weeds for a few hours on saturday, and it’s easy to see the growth accelerating now that the plants don’t have to fight as hard for resources.

Picked this week:
11 zucchini
13 yellow squash
20 turnips
2 cucumbers
2 tomatoes
26 oz beans
1 lbs potatoes
4 beets
3 oz carrots

Week 13

I’m writing this installment while sitting down to a bowl of nature’s french fries… beans, picked only moments ago, boiled, buttered, salted, peppered, and oh so good.

This was another good week for harvesting:
6 zucchini
11 yellow squash
5 cucumbers
2 turnips
2 tomatoes
8 oz beans
5 lbs potatoes
1 carrot

Week 12

After a week without any pictures, it feels good to have something this week. I’m a bit embarrassed about the state of the weeds in the garden proper, but at least we’re making headway in the other areas. We’re so busy picking zucchini and yellow squash and throwing them over the fence at our neighbors that it’s hard to find time to pull weeds.

Some of the corn stalks have refused to die and have even started growing ears. I still have my doubts about how many we’ll wind up with in the end, but at least we still have some hope.

The carrots are starting to get big enough to eat, as are the beets, and the green onions are better than you’ll find in a store. As we fill out more and more areas of our harvest spreadsheet, we’ve started counting some things in ounces (such as carrots and onions), but we’ll keep counting others in units (such as zucchini and yellow squash).

Picked this week (*not* cumulative):
15 yellow squash
11 zucchini
4 cucumbers
4 oz. carrots
1 turnip
2 oz. green onions
2 red chili peppers
1 beet

I can see this list will soon be (if it’s not already) too large to enter each week, so I’ll probably upload the spreadsheet and just link to it.

Bring on the Cucs

Although I am without a camera, as Charmaine is still in San Diego, I thought I’d post a quick update about the latest harvest. The corn may be down, but the rest of the garden is picking up steam.

Today I was forced to pick:
2 Cucumbers (I’m eating one like an apple right now)
2 Zucchini (total is now 13)
3 Yellow Squash (total is now 18)


Our corn has topped our fence and is now almost 7 feet tall. It doesn’t look like it will get any taller, though, as it has finally grown tassels. This is exciting news, since it means the first ears of corn will start growing soon.

Charmaine and the Corn

In other news, we finally broke down and spread some fertilizer around the garden tonight. I guess this means we can’t say our garden is organic anymore, but at least we haven’t used any chemicals for killing weeds or bugs. I just hope we can stay ahead of the squash bugs.

I’ve decided to keep a tally of things we’ve harvested. I’m not sure how often I’ll update the blog with the current tally, but it will be interesting to see how things measure up next year. Here’s the current tally:

Radishes – 20 (I didn’t keep an exact count, but they’re done for the year)
Yellow Squash – 8 (4 were sampled by magpies)
Zucchini – 8 (1 was sampled by magpies)
Turnips – 3 (I’m only counting the really big ones)
Bell Peppers – 3
Red Peppers – 2
Beet Greens – 1 bowl
Blackberry – 2 berries (so good)

Incidentally, if you’re wondering how the yellow squash caught up to the zucchini so quickly, we have 6 yellow squash plants and only 3 zucchini plants.