Today we picked a large bowl of peas, a couple roma tomatoes, some banana peppers, and a couple kohlrabi. While I was taking the weekly photographs of the garden, the tomatoes disappeared into Nate’s and Lisa’s stomachs, as did one of the banana peppers. Charmaine and Julie ate peas as fast as they could, but there was still some evidence that they existed by the time I got back inside.
There’s nothing quite like freshly picked vegetables.
The word for this week is weather. It’s been cold (we had visible snow half way down Lone Peak and Timp for a couple days), and extremely windy. A bunch of the corn blew down again. Some of the zucchini and yellow squash plants were ripped almost out of the ground. Most of the squash plants lost leaves in the wind, etc. It was an awesome few days of storminess.
The storm also seems to have slowed down the rate of new fruit forming. I’m not sure if the storm just kept the bees away, or if the cold actually slowed the plants down. Either way, the harvest was a little slower this week. The only real bright spots were that the good tomatoes (fruit that formed after the irrigation pump issues we had earlier this year) started to ripen and the peppers are rolling right along.
Picked this week (6 days – we went a day late last time):
30 Red Peppers (ask Joe or Lin if they have any heat)
2 Green Peppers
8 Zucchini
13 Yellow Squash
2 Turnips
6 Cucumbers
20 Pear Tomatoes
4 Roma Tomatoes
3 Tomatoes
90 oz Beans
4 oz Green Onions
12 Beets
12 oz Carrots
27 ears of Corn
3 Spaghetti Squash
1 Hubbard Squash
5 Jack-Be-Little Pumpkins
I find I’m not willing to take as many pictures of things outside now that everything is looking the same from week to week.
The yellow squash have slowed down a lot this week, almost to a manageable level, but the zucchini have really taken off… it’s almost like they’re trying to catch up with the yellow squash.
We picked another round of corn today, but I doubt we’ll cook it till tomorrow. The previous set of corn was amazing. The beans are always excellent. But we still haven’t had much luck eating turnips.
Picked this week (8 days, since I’m a day late):
108 oz (6.75 pounds) Beans
4 Bell Peppers
18 ears Corn
13 Zucchini
11 Yellow Squash
12 Cucumbers
1 Lemon Cucumber
10 oz Carrots
7 Tomatoes
6 oz Green Onions
3 Turnips
2 Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkins
2 Jack-Be-Little Pumpkins
1 Sugar Pumpkin
1 Spaghetti Squash
1 Hubbard Squash
I finally got sick of waiting for a sign that the corn was ripe and just picked some… and guess what? It’s ripe. We picked 9 ears. Eight of them are beautiful. One had been eaten form the inside out by a bug that was no longer around. We also picked a nice-sized carrot.
It seems like I’m constantly writing about the zucchini and yellow squash harvest, so it’s sort of exciting to be able to talk about something else for a change. Today we started picking pumpkins and squash. I pulled 2 pumpkins, 1 sugar pumpkin, and 1 Jack-Be-Little. I also took a spaghetti squash and a hubbard squash.
While out picking squash, I realized the beans were once again overrunning us. Charmaine grabbed a bowl and we picked more than 2 pounds of beans. We also pulled a few small carrots to thin the row.