Wow. When we left for Seattle on Thursday, I didn’t expect things to change so drastically while we were gone. But that’s exactly what happened. Each bean plant grew at least 2 feet. Each squash plant grew even more than that. One of the Ichiban Eggplants came out of nowhere. The zucchini season is in full swing. There are all sorts of things needing to be picked. The crew has started work on the new deck. This is going to be another great week!
All posts by james
Full throttle
This must be full throttle. Everything is growing fast, producing fruit, and looking great. We picked another 36 cups of peas this week, a few Roma tomatoes, some cherry tomatoes, peppers of all sorts, etc. The corn is growing fast and strong. The tomatillos are doing so well, they’re practically out of control.
The only negative piece of news is the arrival of squash bugs. So far they’re hanging out in strange places, like in the tomatoes and peas, but it won’t be long till we start seeing their eggs on the underside of the squash leaves. We have a lot of squash this year, so checking each leaf takes a lot of time. I’m sure I won’t find every egg, but for now everything looks clean.
First Harvest
Today we picked a large bowl of peas, a couple roma tomatoes, some banana peppers, and a couple kohlrabi. While I was taking the weekly photographs of the garden, the tomatoes disappeared into Nate’s and Lisa’s stomachs, as did one of the banana peppers. Charmaine and Julie ate peas as fast as they could, but there was still some evidence that they existed by the time I got back inside.
There’s nothing quite like freshly picked vegetables.
Bring on the peas
There’s not a lot going on with the garden right now; we’re mostly just waiting for things to start growing. Sometimes that makes it tricky to decide what to write about. Luckily, there are several exciting things to write about today. You may have already seen the post about our new Troy-Bilt Pony garden tiller. That was pretty exciting, but there’s more!
The peas are coming on… and it’s going to be a great year for peas!