We seem to have at least something from the garden every night, and there’s usually zucchini in the mix. A few nights this week Charmaine grilled up some jalapeños with the zucchini. That’s a great combination. We repeated it a couple times. We also picked the huge monster bell pepper. It was way bigger than the giant bells we bought at the store. I took a picture with it propped up against a soda can for perspective. I think it’s the biggest one we’ve ever grown.
The tomato plants that had the disease early on are starting to get thicker main stalks, but they haven’t grown tall; they haven’t blossomed; and they still look terrible. Charmaine says I should just yank them out and use their water elsewhere. She’s probably right.
The poblano pepper plant keeps getting taller and taller, in constant bloom, but there’s never a pepper. It’s actually two different plants, so I keep thinking it should easily pollinate itself, but I continue to be wrong. The rest of the peppers are producing like mad. We pulled in one of the larger eggplants before another raccoon found it. The tomatoes are looking great. Some of the Cherokee Purple tomatoes are starting to get some color. It’s really fun.
The herbs are all doing well, with the slight exception of the cilantro. It just really wants to go to seed. No matter how far I cut it back, it blooms within just a few days. I think at this point I’m just going to let it go and see what happens. Hopefully it at least builds its base. All the other herbs are really doing great. I think I’m starting to get a better understanding of manual exposure on the camera, so hopefully my pictures will start to improve over the next few weeks.