The garden really seems to be ramping up lately. We’ll probably need to swing past the garden center to pick up some tomato cages and other hardware. In fact, it’s high time we get a drip system in place. I don’t think it’s good to keep spraying the leaves with water.
In the mean-time, there’s a zucchini, a bell pepper, and a couple tomatoes growing now. The eggplant has a bunch of flowers and even the artichoke plant is starting to grow some new leaves. On a side note, I ran past the garden of one of my neighbors the other day. They have an artichoke plant about 5 feet tall and 3 feet wide with tons of artichokes blooming. The plants are perennials and usually last 3 to 5 years here in San Jose. I’m pretty excited to see how ours does.
A few of the small Roma tomato plants have developed some kind of problem on the new growth. I can’t tell exactly what it is, but I haven’t really done much research either. For now I have removed the affected areas in case it wanted to spread to other plants. I do find it a little funny that the hybrid plants are the ones with the problems while the heirloom varieties are as healthy as ever. I hope the problem doesn’t spread.