Although I was starting to wonder if it would ever happen, we have finally moved from Spring into Summer. It was an exceptionally cold spring, and so far it’s an exceptionally cool summer. It’s the middle of July and I’m not sure we’ve hit 90 degrees yet. Many years we’re above 100 by now.
We went out of town for the past two weekends to drive up around the Olympic Peninsula and then ride our bikes from Seattle to Portland. It was nice a sunny in the northwest, but the neighbors tell me it rained here almost every day. It seems the garden really liked all that extra water. I almost didn’t recognize it when we got back. Everything is looking really good now, even the peppers.
We picked the rest of the peas, though most were way overripe, hard, and woody. We also started digging up potatoes. Charmaine has had fresh potatoes for dinner almost every night since we’ve been home from Seattle. We’ve even been able to start picking peppers. So far just banana peppers, but it looks like it’s going to be a good year for peppers.
Really the only thing still lacking is beans. I don’t know what it is, but they just don’t want to grow this year. They have finally sprouted, but they seem to be way behind. Maybe it’s the lack of hot days? We may never know.