Monthly Archives: June 2011

More peas

We picked peas several times this week, including two bags at a party last night. The peas are still going strong, but it’s really starting to warm up, and that usually means the peas will stop blooming. We also picked almost all the rest of the radishes. They were intermixed in a row of beets, but the beets are still looking quite small. The giant weeds growing alongside the beets probably don’t help at all.

The tomatoes are looking great. Other than the peas, they are the only part of the garden doing well. I keep avoiding adding a second row of string to help hold the plants in place in the wind, but I think they’re getting big enough now that I can’t avoid it anymore. It may even be time for a third row of string. We’ll have to see.

The peppers are finally starting to grow, but they still look far from anything I would call healthy. It will be sad if we don’t end up getting many peppers this year.

The beans have really been the biggest disappointment. We planted more beans this year than in any previous year, but they just don’t want to grow. We’ve even re-planted several of the rows, hoping to get something. We finally have one row of beans that may grow, but it’s so late now that I question if we’ll really get any.

Maybe next year won’t be so cold. Maybe next year won’t be so windy. Maybe next year I’ll let the soil rest instead of doing a garden again.

Salad Time

Although I didn’t manage to take any pictures this week, we did pick a bowl of peas and some radishes for a salad this weekend. It’s been another cold week, but things are finally starting to grow. I’ll try to get some pictures up soon.

Rough couple of weeks

We didn’t want to plant everything outside as early as we did, but we didn’t have much choice. We went out of the country for a few weeks. Having the plants outside was the only way they would get watered. Unfortunately, it seems they also got hailed, snowed, and frozen out there. One of these years Mother Nature may actually be kind to us, but this isn’t the year.

We have started planting replacements for some of the plants that died in the cold and the seeds that still haven’t sprouted. Unfortunately, that’s a lot of replacing. It’s been extremely rough, even on the pepper plants that managed to survive the storms. They all look like they went back in time a couple weeks. The tomato plants did a little better than the peppers; most of them seem like they were just on pause for a few weeks. The only plants that really thrived in the winter of May 2011 were the peas. It looks like it’s going to be another great year for peas. I suggested to Charmaine that we just plant the whole yard with peas next year.