The question of what to do with all the Habanero Peppers has been weighing on my mind. They are so good, but so powerful. I’ve given away many, but people are reluctant to take very many, due to the power of these Caribbean peppers.
As luck would have it, I gave a few Habaneros to a friend at work. He made an excellent Habanero Jelly and brought some back to work. It was amazing. Suddenly I knew what I would do with the rest of the peppers… make jelly. We found a recipe at Culinary Cafe, but it didn’t use enough Habaneros. It only calls for “5 to 10” Habaneros per batch, and I wasn’t about to make 5 batches with the 40 to 50 peppers I had just picked. Instead, we would just increase the heat. Instead of “5 to 10” we would use “10 to 20”. That was a stroke of genius. I can’t get enough of it.