The summer just keeps on going, so we get to keep eating fresh veggies. The last couple weeks we’ve been cutting winter squash into cubes and grilling it with butter and nutmeg. Everything tastes better with nutmeg. Last week we did Butternut and Buttercup. This week we did Banana, Pumpkin, and more Buttercup (the current favorite). We also did skewers of potatoes and onions with zesty Italian salad dressing. Britt brought a Honeydew and wrapped small cubes of it in some Prosciutto. We made fresh salsa and guacamole that got eaten as soon as we made them. All that freshness really went well with the grass-finished steaks. Jessica made shortcake and whipped up some cream to have with the fresh peaches from the farmer’s market. Charmaine even made some pumpkin spice bread from a couple of our little Sugar Pumpkins. What a great meal.