Daily Archives: June 12, 2010

Still cold

We had about a week of good, warm weather, but now we’re back in the cold. It rained almost every day this week, and the high temperature never got above 60. That’s extremely uncharacteristic of this time of year. Normally we would see mostly sunny days with highs in the 80s and 90s. Yet, despite those conditions, the garden continues to move forward.

This week we put up nets for the beans to climb. They’re not big enough to grab on yet, but it won’t take long (if it ever warms up). Some of the storms brought wild winds that knocked down many of the tomatillos and tomato plants. There are more peppers and more kinds of peppers growing now. The potatoes are starting to bloom. And the kohlrabi are starting to look like alien space ships, which is what they are supposed to do.

We do have a couple plants that seem to be dying for no apparent reason. They were healthy and strong last week, but this week they’re almost dead. It’s sort of strange, and fairly concerning. I don’t want it to happen to any of the other plants.