It’s no secret that I hate cats in my yard. Every year they find a way into my yard to cause problems. My next door neighbor just got a new kitten, and asked me to kindly return the kitten to him if I ever saw it in my yard. I told him that I usually try to shoot any cat in my yard with my airsoft gun. At first he thought I was kidding. I wasn’t. I doubt I would shoot at his kitten, or chase it until it hid in my window well like I do the other cats, but I hope I don’t have to find out.
We have at least one bird nest in our yard each year. Protecting the nests from the cats is never easy, but this year it was nigh impossible. A robin built a nest less than a foot from the top of the neighbor’s fence, right where the cat usually comes into my yard. I scared the cat off many times, but eventually the cat got to the nest, smashing the eggs.

I need to get a garden camera hooked up so I can show my neighbors, in excruciating detail, just what a well-behaved citizen their pets have become. Plus it would be cool to be able to hit this page and see the current conditions. Maybe I’ll tackle that project when we do the new deck next month.