Someone upstairs is telling me to get a different hobby. They obviously don’t want me to succeed with gardening. It’s almost June and we can’t break free of freezing temperatures and this morning it’s another blizzard. At this point, I’m not even making an effort to save anything. If it survives, it survives, but otherwise I may just be done for the year.
I woke up this morning to the sound of rain. I was relieved to hear the rain based on the fact that we were concerned about snow falling over night. Then around 7 am as I was getting ready for work it started snowing. It now 8:36 and it’s still snowing. It’s not windy it’s just snowing. I think had we covered the plants with a tarp they would have a better chance but now I’m not sure.
I also gave away a bunch of plants last Wednesday based on the fact that I had over 70 peppers planted in the garden and I was a little tired of planting. Now, I’m not sure that I should have given away any plants at all.
It’s around 30 degrees outside which the plants can handle, but snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by: Charmaine