Monthly Archives: May 2009


Our garden is starting to look like a garden.   Right before we left on vacation at the beginning of the month, I borrowed my parents tiller and spent all the free time I had for two days tilling and digging.  We planted potatoes, summer squash and pumpkins around 7:30 p.m. right before we had to leave to get to the airport for our flight out to Puerto Rico.

This year we are trying something new.  We have created raised beds with with walking rows between them that are lined with straw.  Back in April I brought home a stack of gardening books from the library and James read about raised beds.  We also started a compost bin after watching a DVD that came with my gardening magazine.

There is a lot to learn about gardening and each year we feel a little more successful.   We continue to learn from our mistakes.  We just learned that you should always plant pumpkins, and winter squash directly into the ground as seeds.  They just don’t transplant well at all.  Now it says as much on the package but you can buy all of these as plants at the store and we wanted to get an early start on the giant pumpkin so we planted them inside.  It’s funny because looking back on last summer our pumpkins that we planted from seed did ok but the plants that I bought from the store only produced one pumpkin between 12 plants.

Today we worked on the corn patch it didn’t get very far since the top soil that I order and was suppose to be here at nine didn’t show up.  When I called the guy that was going to do it around one and he still didn’t have it I canceled the order.  We were just too tired by that point.  I still need more top soil but I guess that will have to wait for another day.

We did get a chance to plant our tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, beets, and raspberries.  As I write it out it seems like a lot less than what it felt like while we were doing it.