While finishing some work on the pole bean enclosure, something caught my eye. It brought back bad memories of a fight I once had while growing acorn squash in Riverton. Squash Bugs. I know what it means to have squash bugs, and it isn’t pretty. So I stopped what I was doing and inspect the top and bottom of every leaf. It became painfully obvious just how many squash plants we have this year. I carried a pair of scissors with me as I inspected. Each time I found a pile of eggs, I cut off the leaf and brought it to my patio, where I ground the leaf and the eggs into the concrete.
The eggs seemed to be limited to leaves near fruit. And I thought it was sort of curious that I only found eggs on the winter squash varieties, and none on the yellow squash, zucchini, or cucumbers. There is much more fruit on the summer squash plants, but no eggs. I don’t know if that was just a coincidence, but I thought it was sort of interesting.
I’m sure this wasn’t their one and only salvo. I’ll be waiting for round two.